Health Care Reform Quotes
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Text Quotes
The words, ‘penalty,’ ‘restrict’ and ‘violate’ appeared more times in President Clinton’s health care reform bill than in his crime bill. (Health Care Reform Quotes)
Obama seemed poised to realign American politics after his stunning 2008 victory. But the economy remains worse than even the administration’s worst-case scenarios, and the long legislative battles over health care reform, financial services reform and the national debt and deficit have taken their toll. Obama no longer looks invincible (Health Care Reform Quotes)
And that means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what (Health Care Reform Quotes)
We are the ones who work every day with people who are suffering because they don’t have health care. We cannot turn our backs on them, so for us, health care reform is a faith-based response to human need (Health Care Reform Quotes)
If we’re able to stop Obama on [health care reform], it will be his Waterloo. It will break him and we will show that we can, along with the American people, begin to push those freedom solutions that work in every area of our society (Health Care Reform Quotes)
President Obama, through health care reform, strengthened Medicare. How did he do that? Well, he found savings by cutting subsidies to insurance companies, ensuring we were rooting out waste and fraud, and he used those savings to put it back into Medicare (Health Care Reform Quotes)
We’ve got to have major health care reform because that is the 800-pound gorilla. That is the thing that can swamp the boat fiscally for the United States (Health Care Reform Quotes)
While Democrats fussed with the details of health care reforms, conservatives spent months telling the nation that the real issue is freedom, that what’s on the line is American liberty itself. (Health Care Reform Quotes)
Halloween Costume I Hate: kids dressed as their parent’s poltical beliefs. Oooh! Aren’t you a scary health care reform bill! (Health Care Reform Quotes)
Whatever we do, it is definitely time that we reboot the health care reform attempt. It’s time to completely start over. (Health Care Reform Quotes)
I have been absolutely clear where I’m coming from about health care reform. This is something this nation has to do and a robust public option has been the mantra of my campaign from the very outset. (Health Care Reform Quotes)
We will push through health care reform regardless of the views of the American people (Health Care Reform Quotes)
The myopic obsession of the Tea Party with destroying health care reform and wounding the president has led Republicans astray. (Health Care Reform Quotes)
Take Hispanic voters. They favor Democrats because they like the party’s programs, from health care reform to government spending on education. It’s not because the Republicans don’t have a big enough Office of Hispanic Outreach (Health Care Reform Quotes)
I’m one of those that have said, one of my key principles is I will not support a health care reform bill that is not deficit-neutral, period. (Health Care Reform Quotes)
The health care reform legislation passed by the U.S. House of Representatives last night clearly violates the U.S. Constitution and infringes on each state’s sovereignty. (Health Care Reform Quotes)
President Obama hosted lawmakers Thursday saying he wanted bipartisan input on health care reform. Nobody’s mind was changed. At the summit’s end he threatened to go with the nuclear option, showing he’s tougher on Republicans than he is on Iran. (Health Care Reform Quotes)
Nurses are on the front lines of our care. And they need to be at the foundation of health care reform. Let’s get health care done - and done right - by ensuring the amount of nurses we need to provide quality care for all. (Health Care Reform Quotes)
[Barack Obama failed to sell a health care reform plan to American voters] because the utter implausibility of its central promise - expanded coverage at lower cost - led voters to conclude that it would lead ultimately to more government, more taxes and more debt. (Health Care Reform Quotes)
I always am a firm believer in you compensate people for their job, and so I did give them bonuses. We accomplished a lot in Congress, we passed health care reform. There were threats against their lives; they had a tough two years. They’d forgone any cost-of-living increase or any bonus before. (Health Care Reform Quotes)
Maybe this Democratic president[Barack Obama] did and can get comprehensive health care reform passed, but notice, Medicaid is not expanded in any of these dark red states. The Republican Party may not be able to repeal Obamacare, but it certainly, through its state legislatures and governorships, has managed to halt Obamacare`s full impact. (Health Care Reform Quotes)
We’ve seen an economy stifled by more taxes, more regulation, a war on coal and a failing health care reform come to be known as Obamacare and the American people know that we need to make a change. (Health Care Reform Quotes)
Many of us believe that we need health care reform. That being said - Americans felt like they weren’t being listened to. There were a lot of people across the political spectrum who said we don’t want a one-size-fits-all healthcare plan. (Health Care Reform Quotes)
The president-elect [Donald Trump] has set a very aggressive agenda, and I think that repealing and replacing Obamacare with the kind of health care reform that’ll lower the cost of health insurance without growing the size of government will be job one. (Health Care Reform Quotes)
A lot of people say, ‘Why do health-care reform when the deficits are so big?’ But that is when we’ve got to do it. (Health Care Reform Quotes)
Health care is a far more serious, immediate and destructive problem than social security. . . . The upfront investment needed to fund system wide [health care] reform . . . would be far offset by the savings. (Health Care Reform Quotes)
And there is no getting away from the fact - and this is a key point of discontent among many who are upset with the health care reform bill is it didn’t go far enough. They say why isn’t it in place now? Why don’t I see some benefits now? All I see is the potential for losing insurance coverage, for premiums going up. That’s hurting Obama (Health Care Reform Quotes)
Both referred to the Affordable Care Act, which is the accurate title of the health care reform law, as ‘Obamacare.’ That is a disparaging reference to the President of the United States, it is meant as a disparaging reference to the President of the United States (Health Care Reform Quotes)
I have stood on the front lines of the health care system as a doctor, patient and concerned parent. Those experiences have served as my guideposts throughout the struggle to reform America’s health care system. And it’s those same experiences that tell me that fear and election hysteria should not overshadow the reality of reform (Health Care Reform Quotes)
When President Obama passed health care reform, it was personal! And when Governor Romney says he would repeal Obamacare and put insurance companies back in charge of a woman’s health, that’s personal too (Health Care Reform Quotes)
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