Health Quotes

Text Quotes
With longer life spans and better health and education, many feel that giving birth to a baby a mere couple of decades after they themselves were in the cradle is a little premature (Health Quotes)
Zen is just a lifestyle, your everyday life. It is doing your best at your job, relationships, health, hobbies, and other daily activities! (Health Quotes)
Peace of the sort that brings wholeness, harmony, and health to our lives only happens when chaos, confusion, and conflict are included and transcended (Health Quotes)
Daily, from sunrise to sunset, the radio, newspapers and magazines broadcast to the world how to maintain health, how to regain health... the conflicting information, expressive of the different opinions of these various health authorities, has proved to be nothing less than confusion (Health Quotes)
Don’t use all your health to chase after wealth, only to spend all your wealth later to get back your health (Health Quotes)
The pursuit of health is a symptom of unhealth. When this pursuit is no longer a personal yearning but part of state ideology, healthism for short, it becomes a symptom of political sickness (Health Quotes)
We humans are a complex interwoven system of the body, the mind, and the spirit. We are formed and informed by the interplay of these systems. Our health care, to be truly effective, must acknowledge and address this complexity and interconnectedness – and also the effect we have on each other (Health Quotes)
Social justice is what faces you in the morning. It is awakening in a house with adequate water supply, cooking facilities and sanitation. It is the ability to nourish your children and send them to school where their education not only equips them for employment but reinforces their knowledge and understanding of their cultural inheritance. It is the prospect of genuine employment and good health: a life of choices and opportunity, free from discrimination (Health Quotes)
After I saw how badly animals were treated to en up in our plates, how bad it was for our health and for the environment, I decided to stop this nonsense and educate others. After all, animals can’t talk and they need people that have notoriety like me to be their voices (Health Quotes)
I realized at a very young age that health is precious, and too many people don’t realize it until it’s slipping away, or worse yet, it’s gone (Health Quotes)
In my view, the lost art of listening and ignoring the patient as a human being is a quintessential failure of our health care (Health Quotes)
There’s no dignity, no decency, or health today for men that haven’t got a job. All other things depend on work today (Health Quotes)
The trail compels you to know yourself and to be yourself, and puts you in harmony with the universe. It makes you glad to be living. It gives health, hope, and courage, and it extends that touch of nature which tends to make you kind (Health Quotes)
It’s been very well demonstrated that our belief system effects how we behave and how we perform... It also effects our lifestyle, so that if we don’t believe that we can help ourselves, we probably cannot. If we don’t believe that positive information is useful to our health and well being, it probably won’t be (Health Quotes)
They say that childhood forms us, that those early influences are the key to everything. Is the peace of the soul so easily won? Simply the inevitable result of a happy childhood. What makes childhood happy? Parental harmony? Good health? Security? Might not a happy childhood be the worst possible preparation for life? Like leading a lamb to the slaughter (Health Quotes)
The arrival of a good clown exercises a more beneficial influence upon the health of a town than twenty asses laden with drugs (Health Quotes)
I was getting sick and tired of being lectured by dear friends with their little bottles of water and their regular visits to the gym. All of a sudden, we’ve got this voluntary prohibition that has to do with health and fitness. I’m not really in favor of health and fitness (Health Quotes)
Whereas the health of an individual depends on the ego’s regular descent and return to and from the unconscious, a society’s longevity depends on actual people journeying into the unknown and returning with ideas (Health Quotes)
Prize the natural spaces and shorelines most of all, because once they’re gone, with rare exceptions they’re gone forever. In our bones we need the natural curves of hills, the scent of chapparal, the whisper of pines, the possibility of wildness. We require these patches of nature for our mental health and our spiritual resilience (Health Quotes)
A widening circle of researchers believes that the loss of natural habitat, or the disconnection from nature even when it is available, has enormous implications for human health and child development. They say the quality of exposure to nature affects our health at an almost cellular level (Health Quotes)
Nature is often overlooked as a healing balm for the emotional hardships in a child’s life. You’ll likely never see a slick commercial for nature therapy, as you do for the latest antidepressant pharmaceuticals. But parents, educators, and health workers need to know what a useful antidote to emotional and physical stress nature can be. Especially now (Health Quotes)
Befriending provides a valuable lifeline to many people who feel isolated in their communities often as a result of ill health or poverty. I would like to thank all those who volunteer as befrienders and I hope that your numbers will increase in coming years. Your kindness and hard work is, I know, very much appreciated by those you help (Health Quotes)
Every time we sit down to eat, we make a choice: Please choose vegetarianism. Do it for animals. Do it for the environment and do it for your health (Health Quotes)
Do solemnly swear to love, honor and obey my soul, my path to realization and relationship with a higher, deeper creative power, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, from now and forever more (Health Quotes)
The health of a society is truly measured by the quality of its concern and care for the health of its members... The right of every individuals to adequate health care flows from the sanctity of human life and that dignity belongs to all human beings... We believe that health is a fundamental human right which has as its prerequisites social justice and equality and that it should be equally available and accessible to all (Health Quotes)
Health care is an essential safeguard of human life and dignity and there is an obligation for society to ensure that every person be able to realize this right (Health Quotes)
The secret of good health and happiness is to have rather small illnesses throughout your life which you can rely on to stop you doing anything you don’t want to do (Health Quotes)
Faith can have a profound impact on health. It is a very personal experience of thought and surrender, which can comfort in every situation. Faith is free and available to all people at all times. It only requires that one fully embrace possibility, and the ultimate value is in the depth of the embrace (Health Quotes)
It seems strange to make a priori arguments about the relative performance of governments and the markets in health care when there is so much empirical evidence (Health Quotes)
The human being is a surprisingly resilient organism. We are impelled toward health not sickness. Your spirit, as surely as your body, will try to heal... So you should not fear tragedy and suffering. Like love, they make you more a part of the human family. From them can come your greatest creativity. They are the fire that burns you pure (Health Quotes)