Heaped Quotes
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A garden, sir, wherein all rainbows and flowers were heaped together (Heaped Quotes)
People feel guilty enough at funerals without having more guilt heaped on. I would prefer a bighearted preacher giving my eulogy, someone inclined to widen heaven’s doors. I don’t want to leave folks wondering whether I made it. (Heaped Quotes)
I know that after my death a pile of rubbish will be heaped on my grave, but the wind of history will sooner or later sweep it away without mercy (Heaped Quotes)
COMPENSATION. For each ecstatic instant We must an anguish pay In keen and quivering ratio To the ecstasy. For each beloved hour Sharp pittances of years, Bitter contested farthings And coffers heaped with tears. (Heaped Quotes)
I’ve been around long enough to know that a good deal of the praise heaped on me I had nothing to do with. The only thing I did object to was the fact that where the criticism was actually wrong. Did it bother me? Of course it bothered me. But I’ve been around long enough to have ups and downs. So you get over it. (Heaped Quotes)
All the wonders of the Greek civilization heaped together are less wonderful than the single book of Psalms. Greece had all that this world could give her; but the flowers of Paradise blossomed in Palestine alone. (Heaped Quotes)
Words, especially when yelled in anger, can be very damaging to a child’s self-confidence. The child probably already feels bad enough just from seeing the consequences of his or her behavior. Our sons and daughters don’t need more guilt and self-doubt heaped upon their already wounded egos (Heaped Quotes)
The reward for being a good problem solver is to be heaped with more and more difficult problems to solve (Heaped Quotes)
Well, brett was a pretty laid back kid and I think all the pressure was heaped upon my eldest boy, bobby (Heaped Quotes)
To exact of every man who writes that he should say something new, would be to reduce authors to a small number; to oblige the most fertile genius to say only what is new, would be to contract his volumes to a few pages. Yet, surely, there ought to be some bounds to repetition; libraries ought no more to be heaped for ever with the same thoughts differently expressed, than with the same books differently decorated (Heaped Quotes)
Do you suppose that it is within your power to insult me? You evidently are not aware to whom you are speaking? Do you imagine that the envenomed spittle of five hundred little gentlemen of your type, heaped one upon another, would succeed in slobbering so much as the tips of my August toes? (Heaped Quotes)
If we ever get free from all the oppressions and wrongs heaped upon us, we must pay for their removal. We must do this by labor, by suffering, by sacrifice, and, if needs be, by our lives, and the lives of others (Heaped Quotes)
The crisis is arrived when we must assert our rights, or submit to every imposition, that can be heaped upon us, till custom and use shall make us as tame and abject slaves, as the blacks we rule over with such arbitrary sway (Heaped Quotes)
What is there so ponderous in evil, that a thumb’s bigness of it should outweigh the mass of things not evil, which were heaped into the other scale! (Heaped Quotes)
September is the month of maturity; the heaped basket and the garnered sheaf. It is the month of climax and completion. September! I never tire of turning it over and over in my mind. It has warmth, depth and colour. It glows like old amber (Heaped Quotes)
Our little room was morbidly quiet and sorrow was heaped in my corner like dirty snow (Heaped Quotes)
Our doom is, to be sifted by the wind, heaped up, smoothed down like silly sands. We are less permanent than thought (Heaped Quotes)
People feel guilty enough at funerals without having more guilt heaped on. I would prefer a bighearted preacher giving my eulogy, someone inclined to widen heaven’s doors. I don’t want to leave folks wondering whether I made it (Heaped Quotes)
When the sovereign spirit within us is true to nature, it stands poised and ready to adjust to every change in circumstances and to seize each new opportunity. It doesn’t approach an object with prejudice or preconception, but handles each thing dispassionately before embracing it and, if necessary, finds advantage in what opposes it. It is like fire in this regard. Whereas a feeble flame might suffocate under a pile of dry sticks, a robust fire consumes everything it touches. The more objects of any kind heaped on it, the higher it rises, the hotter it burns (Heaped Quotes)
I feel like a man who has had truckloads of filth heaped upon him; I am now asked to struggle to my feet and talk while more truckloads pour more filth around my head (Heaped Quotes)
I did not know then how much was ended. When I look back now from this high hill of my old age, I can still see the butchered women and children lying heaped and scattered all along the crooked gulch as plain as when I saw them with eyes still young. And I can see that something else died there in the bloody mud, and was buried in the blizzard. A people’s dream died there. It was a beautiful dream (Heaped Quotes)
I have much to say why my reputation should be rescued from the load of false accusation and calumny which has been heaped upon it (Heaped Quotes)
When I was a teacher, teachers would come into my classroom and admire my desk on which lay nothing whatever, whereas theirs were heaped with papers and books (Heaped Quotes)
His overthrow heaped happiness upon him; for then, and not till then, he felt himself, and found the blessedness of being little (Heaped Quotes)