Hear It Quotes

Text Quotes
A pleasant voice, which has to include clear enunciation, is not only attractive to those who hear it... its appeal is permanent (Hear It Quotes)
People can choose between the sweet lie or the bitter truth. I say the bitter truth, but many people don’t want to hear it (Hear It Quotes)
The equipment you’ve got really dictates what you’re going to do. When I started touring, there were no monitors, so I had to take the sound from the hall, and of course it was on a delay, so I would sing, and then I would hear it back, but later. It was very weird (Hear It Quotes)
The sensation of never feeling good enough or pretty enough will always be there. It’s a constant dialogue, and you just learn to be more powerful than that other voice. When you hear it come up, you shut it down (Hear It Quotes)
Black people lived right by the railroad tracks, and the train would shake their houses at night. I would hear it as a boy, and I thought: I’m gonna make a song that sounds like that (Hear It Quotes)
I can tell you I love you as many times as you can stand to hear it, but all it does is remind us that love is not enough. Not even close (Hear It Quotes)
If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody is around to hear it, and it hits a mime, does anyone care? (Hear It Quotes)
Down the hall came the wife. She was glorious, burning. She didn’t know yet that her husband was dead. We knew. That’s what gave her such power over us. The doctor took her into a room with a desk at the end of the hall, and from under the closed door a slab of brilliance radiated as if, by some stupendous process, diamonds were being incinerated in there. What a pair of lungs! She shrieked as I imagined an eagle would shriek. It felt wonderful to be alive to hear it! I’ve gone looking for that feeling everywhere (Hear It Quotes)
If you listen, you can hear it. The city, it sings. If you stand quietly, at the foot of a garden, in the middle of the street, on the roof of a house. It’s clearest at night, when the sound cuts more sharply across the surface of things, when the song reaches out to a place inside you. It’s a wordless song, for the most, but it’s a song all the same, and nobody hearing it could doubt what it sings. And the song sings the loudest when you pick out each note (Hear It Quotes)
We’ll leave now, so that this moment will remain a perfect memory... let it be our song and think of me every time you hear it (Hear It Quotes)
I’m telling you this for one reason and one reason only: No matter how sure you are of someone’s love, it’s always nice to hear it (Hear It Quotes)
Unlike my mother, my father does not cry quietly. His wails roll out like a wave of pain, and I scramble to roll up my window. My mother cannot hear that. I cannot bear to hear it myself. I am not used to my father’s crying. I’ve had no time to harden my heart against him (Hear It Quotes)
We never believe we’re beautiful, no matter how many times we hear it. We never believe it until someone says it in the right way (Hear It Quotes)
Once in my life I knew a grief so hard I could actually hear it inside, scraping at the lining of my stomach, an audible ache, dredging with hooks as rivers are dredged when someone’s been missing too long. I have to think my mother felt something like that (Hear It Quotes)
If a tree fell in the forest, and you were the only one there to hear it; if its fall to the ground didn’t make a sound, would you panic in fear that you didn’t exist, or would you bask in the bliss of your nothingness? (Hear It Quotes)
Maybe belief is the biggest lie. In ages past, the earliest philosophers tried to explain the stars in the sky and the world around them. One of them conceived of the notion that the universe was mounted on giant crystal spheres controlled by a giant machine, which explained the movements of the heavens. He was laughed at and told that such a machine would be so huge and noisy that everyone would hear it. He simply replied that we are born with that noise all around us, and that we are so used to hearing it that we cannot hear it at all (Hear It Quotes)
I kept thinking there’s bound to be something else? I could hear it sometimes, but I couldn’t play it (Hear It Quotes)
If you can see it, hear it, feel it, taste it, touch it, or smell it, you can be present with it. It is of the present moment, and so it brings to you the opportunity to be present with it (Hear It Quotes)
My commodity as a writer, whatever I’m writing about, is me. And your commodity is you. Don’t alter your voice to fit the subject. Develop one voice that readers will recognize when they hear it on the page, a voice that’s enjoyable not only in its musical line but in its avoidance of sounds that would cheapen its tone: breeziness and condescension and clichés (Hear It Quotes)
It is a very powerful feeling to know that my work is affecting people and to hear it from them directly (Hear It Quotes)
I wanna hear it, I wanna hear it from each and every one of you. I wanna hear it from the kids, the men, the women. I wanna hear it from every single person in this arena. I want you to stand up out of your seat, I want you to get up and do what you should have done a long time ago! I want you to admit that you were wrong! All of you! You all were wrong! Each and every single one of you! I made it! (Hear It Quotes)
You’re miscarrying a baby first thing in the morning. Who wants to hear it? God bless them. It’s a very strange life. I love the company of actors, but the crazier it gets, the more I’ve come to realise how valuable my time is with my friends who work on the land or are builders or, you know, make music. Work in offices. Run shops (Hear It Quotes)
I write one step at a time, always finishing off the part I’m working on before even thinking about the next part. I need to hear it all together before deciding what goes next. I even mix before moving on... in other words, I write by recording (Hear It Quotes)
I think people have had too much to think and ought to flex their magic muscles. It takes awhile to get oriented to what I do, but people seem to be able to hear it if they give it a chance. I’d never just want to do what everybody else did. I’d be contributing to the sameness of everything (Hear It Quotes)
Reading words puts them in your mind. You never forget. Even when you don’t get a chance to dwell on the music, you can hear it in your head (Hear It Quotes)
And we hope that when they hear it, you know, it’ll make people get out of their cars and just go live life to the fullest! (Hear It Quotes)
The road makes a noise all its own. It’s a single note that stretches in all directions, low and nearly inaudible, only I could hear it loud and persistent (Hear It Quotes)
People usually complain that music is so ambiguous, and what they are supposed to think when they hear it is so unclear, while words are understood by everyone. But for me it is exactly the opposite... what the music I love expresses to me are thoughts not to indefinite for words, but rather too definite (Hear It Quotes)
There’s no point in bragging in the good times. Your friends don’t need to hear it and your enemies won’t believe it anyway (Hear It Quotes)
As much as we don’t want to hear it, book marketing is a huge part of becoming a successful author (Hear It Quotes)