Hear Quotes

Text Quotes
If I have a hit, then I hope the people who like the hit song go out and buy my album so they can hear it all (Hear Quotes)
There is a spirit that guides us, if we will listen. It speaks softly. In order to hear it we must still our thoughts and meditate (Hear Quotes)
We are challenged these days, but not changed; convicted, but not converted. We hear, but do not; and thereby we deceive ourselves (Hear Quotes)
I hear many people talk about their longing for a balanced life. What I think they are really expressing is a desire for a life with less pressure (Hear Quotes)
A good writer must be like the birds of a dark forest; you can’t see them, but you can hear their mysterious and wise voices! (Hear Quotes)
The studio part, to me, can be pretty laborious. You’re inside for hours on end and can be pretty frustrating to get the sound you hear in your head to come out of those speakers (Hear Quotes)
To me, the job of a playwright is to explore and bring to light our lives. You can’t hold back; you have to give in to this. Sometimes, you say things people don’t want to hear (Hear Quotes)
Third person allows a deeper exploration of the relationships between characters. We can see their misunderstandings and hear what they think about each other. We can create a more complex structure with various story threads running parallel (Hear Quotes)
I learned very early on in life that not everyone wants to hear every fact in the world, even if you want to tell them everything you’ve ever read (Hear Quotes)
Because music is a language unto itself, when I’m writing, I need silence. I need to hear the music and the rhythms of the words inside my thoughts (Hear Quotes)
Require nothing unreasonable of your officers and men, but see that whatever is required be punctually complied with. Reward and punish every man according to his merit, without partiality or prejudice; hear his complaints; if well founded, redress them; if otherwise, discourage them, in order to prevent frivolous ones. Discourage vice in every shape, and impress upon the mind of every man, from the first to the lowest, the importance of the cause, and what it is they are contending for (Hear Quotes)
In their vanity men focus on what they wish to hear and miss the hidden meaning, the lurking threat (Hear Quotes)
For some reason, people think I am this terrible person and it really hurts me to hear that. I am just doing the best I know how to (Hear Quotes)
When you’re a writer, you hear your internal critic, and that’s really hard to get over. And then sometimes you hear critiques from classmates and stuff. But when a book comes out, it’s just hundreds of opinions and you have to learn to separate out the ones you want to listen to or figure out many you want to listen to (Hear Quotes)
Nobody really wants to hear about anybody else’s injuries. Or how your back feels. Whose back doesn’t hurt? (Hear Quotes)
If there’s criticism of my work that’s legitimate. I’m ready to hear of it (Hear Quotes)
I want truth. I’m crying out to hear it. I need it like oxygen (Hear Quotes)
I hear so many of the young people today sing and I think they have a good voice, yet I wonder if they’ll ever know that they sound alike (Hear Quotes)
I think it’s easier than ever to hear only what you want to hear. That doesn’t make a good citizen (Hear Quotes)
The stories we sit up late to hear are love stories. It seems that we cannot know enough about this riddle of our lives. We go back and back to the same scenes, the same words, trying to scrape out the meaning. Nothing could be more familiar than love. Nothing else eludes us so completely (Hear Quotes)
You hear stories about directors using manipulation to get actors to do certain things, but I think when you’re working with professional actors, it’s all about trust. They can do anything you want, it’s just a matter of them understanding what you’re looking for, and the reason why (Hear Quotes)
The way you build trust with your people is by being forthright and clear with them from day one. You may think people are fooled when you tell them what they want to hear. They are not fooled (Hear Quotes)
I love theatre. It’s far more satisfying than film. Sometimes there’s a collective sigh from the audience, or it’s so quiet you can hear a pin drop. I couldn’t believe how easy acting was when there’s an audience; after a few previews I almost couldn’t do it without one (Hear Quotes)
Sometimes you make a record that is what you want to hear. I’ve made a couple of those, idealized creations of what I wanted to hear. Then there are records that are what you feel (Hear Quotes)
In more than 20 years I’ve spent studying the issue, I have yet to hear a convincing argument that college football has anything do with what is presumably the primary purpose of higher education: academics (Hear Quotes)
You would never hear any song played twice in the same way. The words were retained, but within a certain frame there was great latitude, and the musician could improvise to his heart’s content; and the more the variations and combinations, the greater the musician (Hear Quotes)
It’s pleasant to hear these nice words while I’m still alive. I’d rather have the taffy than the epitaphy (Hear Quotes)
History is an orphan. It can speak, but cannot hear. It can give, but cannot take. Its wounds and tragedies can be read and known, but cannot be avoided or cured (Hear Quotes)
Biblical counseling is listening to a person long enough until you hear a violation of scripture (Hear Quotes)
The only calendar I need is just outside my window. With eyes to see and ears to hear, nature keeps me posted (Hear Quotes)