Hear Quotes

Text Quotes
The source of my difficulties has always been the same: an inability to accept what to others seems natural, and an irresistible tendency to voice opinions no one wants to hear (Hear Quotes)
He could not feel her near him in the darkness nor hear her voice touch his ear. He waited for some minutes listening. He could hear nothing: the night was perfectly silent. He listened again: perfectly silent. He felt that he was alone (Hear Quotes)
Would you mind repeating that? I’m afraid I might have lost my wits altogether and just hallucinated what I’ve longed to hear (Hear Quotes)
I can’t bear to hear a human being spoken of with contempt just because of his group identification... It’s these respectable people here who create those hooligans out there (Hear Quotes)
After a few months without writing, months I’ve lived turned outward... I fear going deaf, not being able to hear the silence (Hear Quotes)
If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear it, doesn’t it just lie there and rot? (Hear Quotes)
And over your unconsecrated head you’ll hear the howling wolves lament their fate and yours the livelong year; (Hear Quotes)
His whole body shakes with the strain as he tries to lift something he knows he can’t lift, something everybody knows he can’t lift. But, for just a second, when we hear the cement grind at our feet, we think, by golly, he might do it (Hear Quotes)
... there is a difference between hearing and listening. You can’t always help what you hear. But you can control what holds your interest, what you choose to dwell on (Hear Quotes)
At that moment I was sure. That I belonged in my skin. That my organs were mine and my eyes were mine and my ears, which could only hear the silence of this night and my faint breathing, were mine, and I loved them and what they could do (Hear Quotes)
Perhaps I can stay by the fire and mend your socks and scream if I hear any strange noises (Hear Quotes)
Most of the laugh tracks on television were recorded in the early 1950’s. These days, most of the people you hear laughing are dead (Hear Quotes)
You can hear my dreams? God, you must never get any quiet. I’d be shooting myself in the head if I were you (Hear Quotes)
If you tell them what they want to hear, they don’t bother to try to see (Hear Quotes)
It’s a reflex. Hear a bell, get food. See an undead, throw a knife. Same thing, really (Hear Quotes)
When the phone rings I too would like to hear words that might ease some of this (Hear Quotes)
It is your responsibility to find fault with me, it is mine to hear you out. But don’t expect me to change (Hear Quotes)
I’m in a wild mood tonight. I want to go dance in the foam. I hear the banshees calling (Hear Quotes)
I wanted to say goodbye to someone, and have someone say goodbye to me. The goodbyes we speak and the goodbyes we hear are the goodbyes that tell us we´re still alive (Hear Quotes)
When I get ready to talk to people, I spend two thirds of the time thinking what they want to hear and one third thinking about what I want to say (Hear Quotes)
Do you smoke? Well, yes, I must admit I smoke. I’m glad to hear of it. A man should always have an occupation of some kind (Hear Quotes)
As the alcohol overcomes my mind, I hear the glass bottle shatter on the floor. This seems appropriate since I have obviously lost my grip on everything (Hear Quotes)
Although you hadn’t asked why, it had less to do with you not noticing than with you not wanting to hear the answer (Hear Quotes)
I realized that your mother couldn’t see the emptiness, she couldn’t see anything... All of the words I’d written to her over all of those years, had I never said anything to hear at all? (Hear Quotes)
In truth, the degree of anyone’s success depends on how often they can say the word yes and hear the word no (Hear Quotes)
There were many words that you could not stand to hear and finally only the names of places had dignity. Abstract words such as glory, honor, courage, or hallow were obscene (Hear Quotes)
What do you do when you finally hear everything you’ve always thought said aloud? (Hear Quotes)
She never utters a sound even when she’s crying, and that makes me a little sad. Doesn’t seem right. When you cry, people should hear you. The world should stop (Hear Quotes)
I felt alone on the planet, drifting through the cosmos. With both hands I reached out to the night. There was no answer. Or maybe I just couldn’t hear it (Hear Quotes)
I wasn’t sent here to find angels! I wasn’t sent here to dream of them. I wasn’t sent here to hear them sing! I was sent here to be alive. To breathe and sweat and thirst and sometimes cry (Hear Quotes)