Hear Quotes

Text Quotes
Whenever I hear the sparrow chirping, watch the woodpecker chirp, catch a chirping trout, or listen to the sad howl of the chirp rat, I think: Oh boy! I’m going insane again (Hear Quotes)
Even though I am nearly deaf, I seem to be gifted with a kind of inner hearing which enables me to detect sounds and noises which the ordinary person does not hear (Hear Quotes)
When I hear that a friend has fallen into matrimony, I feel the same sorrow as if I had heard of his lapsing into theism (Hear Quotes)
A longing to wander tears my heart when I hear trees rustling in the wind at evening (Hear Quotes)
Only when the clamor of the outside world is silenced will you be able to hear the deeper vibration. Listen carefully (Hear Quotes)
Everything you see or hear or experience in any way at all is specific to you. You create a universe by perceiving it, so everything in the universe you perceive is specific to you (Hear Quotes)
Sound is 50 percent of the movie going experience, and I’ve always believed audiences are moved and excited by what they hear in my movies at least as much as by what they see (Hear Quotes)
When the ocean surges, don’t let me just hear it. Let it splash inside my chest! (Hear Quotes)
Wherever you go you will find your teacher, as long as you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear (Hear Quotes)
There is not one life that doesn’t add tremendous value to the whole. Somewhere inside of us we know this to be true; we hear the call to head in the direction of this bigger life (Hear Quotes)
If you don’t like my songs, don’t hear it. If you don’t like my music videos, don’t watch it. If you hate me, I don’t care (Hear Quotes)
You didn’t elect me to tell you what you wanted to hear. You elected me to tell you the truth (Hear Quotes)
To hear something asks very little of us. To listen places our entire being on notice (Hear Quotes)
It takes practice to hear your true desires. Your passion will often come as a whisper or serendipitous event that reminds you of what’s important and what makes you happy (Hear Quotes)
There is guidance for each of us, and by lowly listening we shall hear the right word (Hear Quotes)
Speak from your mind and people will hear you with their mind. Speak from your heart and people will hear you with their heart (Hear Quotes)
Quite often you want to tell somebody your dream, your nightmare. Well, nobody wants to hear about someone else’s dream, good or bad; nobody wants to walk around with it. The writer is always tricking the reader into listening to the dream (Hear Quotes)
Photographs furnish evidence. Something we hear about, but doubt, seems proven when we’re shown a photograph of it (Hear Quotes)
Men who stand in the highest ranks of society seldom hear of their faults; if by any accident an opprobrious clamour reaches their ears, flattery is always at hand to pour in her opiates, to quiet conviction and obtund remorse (Hear Quotes)
It is a writer’s greatest pleasure to hear that someone was kept up until the unholy hours of the morning reading one of their books (Hear Quotes)
My own thing is in my head. I hear sounds and if I don’t get them together nobody else will (Hear Quotes)
Even as I approach the gambling hall, as soon as I hear, two rooms away, the jingle of money poured out on the table, I almost go into convulsions (Hear Quotes)
Here’s what is exciting about sharing ideas with others: If you share a new idea with ten people, they get to hear it once and you get to hear it ten times (Hear Quotes)
To live a single day and hear a good teaching is better than to live a hundred years without knowing such teaching (Hear Quotes)
Seek the counsel of men who will tell you the truth about yourself, even if it hurts you to hear it. Mere commendation will not bring the improvement you need (Hear Quotes)
When you hear bacon cooking... that sizzling sound isn’t the fat cooking... that’s applause (Hear Quotes)
Every one of us is blind and deaf until our eyes are opened to our fellowmen, until our ears hear the voice of humanity (Hear Quotes)
People love gossip because it’s slightly removed from actuality. It’s a very literary thing... You can hear a great story, and it turns out that it’s largely not true. Fiction writing is like gossip. It’s not malicious gossip, but it’s gossip (Hear Quotes)
The easy part of being an artist is figuring out the message that everyone else is ready to hear. The hard part is waiting for the proper lull to make the announcement (Hear Quotes)
The essence of marketing today is to tell a story to people who want to hear it, in a way that resonates with them so they are likely to either respond or connect to you, or tell their friends (Hear Quotes)