Heart Quotes

Text Quotes
A Prayer for the Wild at Heart That Are Kept in Cages (Heart Quotes)
I gave you my heart, I just didn't expect to get it back in pieces (Heart Quotes)
The heart wants what it wants (Heart Quotes)
Put your hand on my heart and feel what I am thinking (Heart Quotes)
Some hearts understand each other even in silence (Heart Quotes)
When you stop looking for perfect bodies you'll find beautiful hearts (Heart Quotes)
Get into my head and learn my language. Get into my heart and speak it (Heart Quotes)
You don't protect your heart by acting like you don't have one (Heart Quotes)
In matters of the heart, nothing is true except the improbable (Heart Quotes)
You're in my heart and my thoughts (Heart Quotes)
A friend is what the heart needs all the time (Heart Quotes)
I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year (Heart Quotes)
It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air (Heart Quotes)
Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts (Heart Quotes)
It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons (Heart Quotes)
Our roots say we’re sisters, our hearts say we’re friends. (Heart Quotes)
Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart (Heart Quotes)
Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends (Heart Quotes)
You have my whole heart for my whole life (Heart Quotes)
Words, words, mere words, no matter from the heart (Heart Quotes)
Everyone is the age of their heart (Heart Quotes)
A light heart lives long (Heart Quotes)
Gratitude is the memory of the heart (Heart Quotes)
As he thinks in his heart, so he is (Heart Quotes)
A heart that loves is always young (Heart Quotes)
Not the glittering weapon fights the fight, but rather the hero's heart (Heart Quotes)
Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come (Heart Quotes)
Fire in the heart sends smoke into the head (Heart Quotes)
A man's heart changes as often as does the autumn sky (Heart Quotes)
The teeth are smiling, but is the heart? (Heart Quotes)