Heart Wants Quotes

Text Quotes
God wants nothing from you but the gift of a peaceful heart (Heart Wants Quotes)
Im a good girl at heart who just wants to have fun (Heart Wants Quotes)
Your heart has to let your head know what it wants (Heart Wants Quotes)
Christ wants us to have a child’s heart but a grown-up’s head (Heart Wants Quotes)
There is a blue bird in my heart that wants to get out (Heart Wants Quotes)
Comes down to your training, your heart, your mind, your soul, and who wants it more (Heart Wants Quotes)
The Heart wants what it wants - or else it does not care (Heart Wants Quotes)
Whoever writes in blood and aphorisms wants not to be learned but to be learned by heart (Heart Wants Quotes)
The heart wants who the heart wants. We can’t help that. (Heart Wants Quotes)
The heart knows the immensity it wants to achieve, but it is limited (Heart Wants Quotes)
A heart can only discover what it really wants with experience (Heart Wants Quotes)
When our heart wants to live in purity and do the right thing, God will keep us from falling into sin. (Heart Wants Quotes)
I do love poop. I can’t help it. The heart wants what it wants. I enjoy being clever and pithy and political, but nothing’s going to get me like dumb stuff. (Heart Wants Quotes)
There’s a million reasons why I should give you up. But the heart wants what it wants. (Heart Wants Quotes)
My head questions everything and believes nothing.So your head wants proof and your heart wants reassurance? (Heart Wants Quotes)
Our own way is what our heart wants, and do not let others influence us (Heart Wants Quotes)
My heart wants roots My mind wants wings. I cannot bear Their bickerings. (Heart Wants Quotes)
There is a part of me that is desperately wanting to not necessarily be this cute, endearing, heart-on-his-sleeve type of character that just wants to be liked. (Heart Wants Quotes)
Every single person wants to do it, don’t hate me because I had the guts to follow my heart! (Heart Wants Quotes)
I don’t really think our government at heart wants peace. So I urge you, write to Mrs. Laura Bush, because she reads. (Heart Wants Quotes)
The heart wants what it wants. There’s no logic to these things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that’s that. (Heart Wants Quotes)
To be more precise about it, it is neither close nor open-mindedness but wisdom, discernment, and a pure heart that God wants. (Heart Wants Quotes)
Think of it. Now he is speaking to you, no one but you. It may not matter what we want for science, or what we think is ethical. All we must do is provide the right environment, and let the heart do what it desires. The heart wants to beat. (Heart Wants Quotes)
Anyone who doesn’t regret the passing of the Soviet Union has no heart. Anyone who wants it restored has no brains. (Heart Wants Quotes)
Everyone wants to protect their heart, but without pain, one can never have joy (Heart Wants Quotes)
God wants you to always have a hunger in your heart to learn something new (Heart Wants Quotes)
The ego wants to rule, but the heart will quietly prevail. -Jennifer Ritchie Payette, co-author, Modular Career Design (Heart Wants Quotes)
What the heart most wants, the mind finds reasonable, the will finds doable, and the emotions find desirable. (Heart Wants Quotes)
But the heart has a mind of its own and it always gets what it wants, especially when it’s dying. (Heart Wants Quotes)
Every player, in his secret heart, wants to manage one day. Every fan, in the privacy of his mind, already does. (Heart Wants Quotes)