Heartless Quotes

Text Quotes
When women are angry at men, they call them heartless. When men are angry at women, they call them crazy (Heartless Quotes)
I have declared war on the rich who prosper on our poverty, the politicians who lie to us with smiling faces, and all the mindless, heartless, robots who protect them and their property (Heartless Quotes)
Punk rock is a word used by dilettantes and heartless manipulators about music that takes up the energies, the bodies, the hearts, the souls, the time and the minds of young men who give everything they have to it (Heartless Quotes)
Whenever I hear anything described as a heartless assault on our children I tend to think it’s a good idea (Heartless Quotes)
All alike, you men. You only want the satisfaction of being through with us first, that’s all. So far I’ve had the good fortune of beating you to it. So I am heartless (Heartless Quotes)
A balance is necessary in life. To achieve this we must move away from broad definitions of workplaces as functional and households as emotional. Similarly, home, the haven in a heartless world, as defined by men, cannot be used by them as an antidote to the workplace’s discomforts and demands, if this means having the wife as a servicer (Heartless Quotes)
I never justify, sustain, or in any way or to any extent uphold this cruel, heartless, aimless unnecessary war (Heartless Quotes)
Today’s workplace has become heartless and soulless. Employees are seen as units of labour, automatons, functionaries, objects for achieving designated tasks, and as costs to be minimised (Heartless Quotes)
The worship of the golden calf of old has found a new and heartless image in the cult of money and the dictatorship of an economy which is faceless and lacking any truly human goal (Heartless Quotes)
Literary studies were no more than a series of autopsies performed by heartless technicians. Worse than autopsies: biopsies. Vivisection. Even movies, which I love more than anything, more than life itself, they even do it with movies these days (Heartless Quotes)
Perhaps this is just punishment for those who have been heartless, to understand only when nothing can be undone (Heartless Quotes)
No matter how corrupt, greedy, and heartless our government, our corporations, our media, and our religious and charitable institutions may become, the music will still be wonderful (Heartless Quotes)
Most people were heartless about turtles because a turtle’s heart will beat for hours after it has been cut up and butchered. But the old man thought, I have such a heart too (Heartless Quotes)
You must try, the voice said, to become colder. I understood at once. It’s like the bodies of gods: cast in bronze, braced in stone. Only something heartless could bear the full weight (Heartless Quotes)
They call you heartless; but you have a heart and I love you for being ashamed to show it (Heartless Quotes)
An intellectual, heartless man never becomes an inspired man. It is always the heart that speaks in the man of love; it discovers a greater instrument than intellect can give you, the instrument of inspiration (Heartless Quotes)
It may be true that the law cannot change the heart but it can restrain the heartless (Heartless Quotes)
A society which denies the heart its role becomes, in very short order, a heartless society (Heartless Quotes)