Hearts Quotes

Text Quotes
It seemed the more I knew about people the more I knew about the strange magic hidden in their hearts (Hearts Quotes)
Some places are like family. They annoy us to no end, especially during the holidays, but we keep coming back for more because we know, deep in our hearts, that our destinies are intertwined (Hearts Quotes)
To whom shall I hire myself out? What beast should I adore? What holy image is attacked? What hearts shall I break? What lies shall I uphold? In what blood tread? (Hearts Quotes)
Meanwhile music pounded / across hearts opening every valve to the desperate drama of being / a self in a song (Hearts Quotes)
Life’s a freaking mess… there’s not one truth ever, just a bunch of stories, all going on at once, in our heads, in our hearts, all getting in the way of each other. It’s all a beautiful calamitous mess (Hearts Quotes)
We need books... because we are all, in the private kingdoms of our hearts, desperate for the company of a wise, true friend (Hearts Quotes)
We’d torn open our chests and shown our cowardly hearts, and you can never stay friends after something like that (Hearts Quotes)
When do you think people die? When they’re shot through the heart with a pistol?... No. When they have an uncurable disease?... No. When they drink soup made from a poisonous mushroom? No! When they are forgotten! Even if I die, my dream will come true. The hearts of the people will be cured..! (Hearts Quotes)
The intimacy that arises in listening and speaking truth is only possible if we can open to the vulnerability of our own hearts. Breathing in, contacting the life that is right here, is our first step. Once we have held ourselves with kindness, we can touch others in a vital and healing way (Hearts Quotes)
Hearts got broken every day. Nobody died from that. But it did kind of fade the sunlight and drain the color from the days (Hearts Quotes)
In the end, the bedrock of existence is not made up of the family, or work, or what others say or think of you, but of moments like this when you are exalted by a transcendent power that is more serene than love. Life dispenses them parsimoniously; our feeble hearts could not stand more (Hearts Quotes)
The dead are never far from us. They’re in our hearts and on our minds and in the end all that separates us from them is a single breath, one final puff of air (Hearts Quotes)
For their entire lives, even before they met you, your mother and father held their love for you inside their hearts like an acorn holds an oak tree (Hearts Quotes)
Love, like life, is so insecure. It moves in our lives and occupies its sweet space in our hearts so easily. But it never guarantees that it will stay there forever. Probably that’s why it is so precious (Hearts Quotes)
Cities are erected on spiritual columns. Like giant mirrors, they reflect the hearts of their residents. If those hearts darken and lose faith, cities will lose their glamour (Hearts Quotes)
Dreams are reality that has not become true. However, in the hearts of some people, they have already come true. People whose dreams are already achieved in their hearts, and who can see that as they boldly throw themselves into it, have true courage (Hearts Quotes)
The men who have had the most to give to their fellow men are those who have enriched their minds and hearts in solitude. It is a poor education that does not fit a man to be alone with himself (Hearts Quotes)
Long experience has taught me that the crux of my fortunes is whether I can radiate good will toward my audience. There is only one way to do it and that is to feel it. You can fool the eyes and minds of the audience, but you cannot fool their hearts (Hearts Quotes)
Each of us has a fire in our hearts for something. It’s our goal in life to find it and keep it (Hearts Quotes)
We need open minds and open hearts when we wrestle with the past and ask questions of it, and the answers it will provide are in nobody’s pocket... We should let nobody tell us that they know all that it contains, or try to prescribe or constrain in advance what it has to tell us (Hearts Quotes)
We bequeath to you, the next generation, our knowledge but also our problems. While we still live, let us join hands, hearts and minds to work together for their solution so that your world will be better than ours and the world of your children even better (Hearts Quotes)
Children keep us in check. Their laughter prevents our hearts from hardening. Their dreams ensure we never lose our drive to make ours a better world. They are the greatest disciplinarians known to mankind (Hearts Quotes)
You can buy a man’s time; you can buy his physical presence at a given place; you can even buy a measured number of his skilled muscular motions per hour. But you cannot buy enthusiasm... you cannot buy loyalty... you cannot buy the devotion of hearts, mind or souls. You must earn these (Hearts Quotes)
Knowledge passes from dance teacher into the student through the process of mane, which is often translated as imitation, but learning to dance is more a process of total identification than of simple copying. We repeat the movements of our teachers until we can duplicate them exactly, until, in a sense, we have absorbed the teacher’s mastery into ourselves. Artistic technique must be fully integrated into the cells of our bodies if we are to use it to express what is in our hearts, and this takes many years of practice (Hearts Quotes)
I believe that the thought that women together can change the world is emerging into the minds and hearts of many of us, and that the vessel for personal and planetary evolution is the circle with a spiritual center (Hearts Quotes)
We become human only in the company of other human beings. And this involves both opening our hearts and giving voice to our deepest convictions... When we shrink from the world, our souls shrink, too (Hearts Quotes)
What most of us need, almost more than anything, is the courage and humility really to ask for help, from the depths of our hearts: to ask for the compassion of the enlightened beings, to ask for purification and healing, to ask for the power to understand the meaning of our suffering and transform it; at a relative level to ask for the growth in our lives of clarity, peace, and discernment, and to ask for the realization of the absolute nature of mind that comes from merging with the deathless wisdom mind of the master (Hearts Quotes)
The students I’ve been with these twenty years are looking for a world where it becomes a little easier to love and a lot harder to hate, where learning nonviolence means that we dedicate our hearts, minds, time, and money to a commitment that the force of love, the force of truth, the force of justice, and the force of organized resistance to corrupt power are seen as sane and the force of fists, guns, armies, and bombs insane (Hearts Quotes)
We never will get a full situation of open transparency, but we should seek to bring forth the major concerns about injustice and suffering and dishonesty. This needs to come into the open or there will never be peace in the hearts of us violated (Hearts Quotes)
It will do us little good to wire the world if we short circut our souls. There is no delete button for racism, poverty, or sectarian violence. No key stroke can ever clean the air, save a river, preserve a forest. This transformational new technology must be an extension of our hearts as well as of our mind (Hearts Quotes)