Hearts Quotes

Text Quotes
Let our hearts touch far horizons. Let our love know no borders, Draw the Circles wide until, No one stands alone. (Hearts Quotes)
Our Holy Father... is very clear that, of course, the teachings of the Church must be preserved and passed on. However, we need to do this in a way that the Holy Father says is creative. We need to do it in a way that we look for new strategies that address the hearts of people. (Hearts Quotes)
Preaching is compelling to young secular adults ... - not if preachers use video clips from their favorite movies and dress informally and sound sophisticated, - but if the preachers understand their hearts and culture so well that listeners feel the force of the sermon’s reasoning, even if in the end they don’t agree with it. (Hearts Quotes)
Every fresh act of sin lessens fear and remorse, hardens our hearts, blunts the edge of our conscience, and increases our evil inclination. (Hearts Quotes)
Let tyrants fear, I have always so behaved myself that, under God, I have placed my chiefest strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts and good-will of my subjects. (Hearts Quotes)
Never hesitate to let the one you love know how you feel. Align your minds, synchronise your hearts and above be fearless when dancing with their souls. (Hearts Quotes)
Today, let’s set our minds and hearts on feeling more thankful for what we are than guilty for what we’re not. Let’s cut the threads of guilt with grace. (Hearts Quotes)
Few are altogether deaf to the preaching of pine trees. Their sermons on the mountains go to our hearts . . . (Hearts Quotes)
Intelligence doesn’t just mean tracking down terrorists; It means finding out what is in people’s hearts and minds and discovering the complexity of most issues. (Hearts Quotes)
The truth is that if we are consumed with finding ways to help others, there will be little room left in our minds or our hearts for self-pity, self-loathing or unhappiness with the world in which we live. (Hearts Quotes)
We acknowledge but one motive - to follow the truth as we know it, whithersoever it may lead us; but in our heart of hearts we are well assured that the truth which has made us free, will in the end make us glad also. (Hearts Quotes)
Kyle Idleman’s Not a Fan is a crucial message for our time. It’s a powerful call to commitment and to following Jesus with all our hearts that has challenged me in the best of ways! (Hearts Quotes)
I may be too craving of that rich gift, the power of sharing other minds. I have drunk deeply, long, and oh! how blissfully at this fountain in a foreign clime. Hearts met hearts, minds joined with minds; and what were the secondary trials of pain to the enfeebled, suffering body when daily was administered the soul’s medicine and food! (Hearts Quotes)
No matter how hard we try to separate, and if eventually we finally separate, we are just fooling around thinking we had parted, yet our hearts dwells where we cowardly believed we had left. (Hearts Quotes)
When men declare their love for us, we should handle them with the utmost care, even if the feelings aren’t mutual. For the sake of future marital happiness, or to leave their hearts intact for another woman down the pike, let’s be gentle and trustworthy with their brave declarations. (Hearts Quotes)
No foreign policy - no matter how ingenious - has any chance of success if it is born in the minds of a few and carried in the hearts of none. (Hearts Quotes)
A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered. Carve your name on hearts, not on marble. (Hearts Quotes)
By not forgiving, by not letting wrongs go, we aren’t getting back at anyone. We are merely punishing ourselves by barricading our own hearts. (Hearts Quotes)
We, the human beings in this world, if there is a spark of goodness or kindness in our hearts, avoid judging people. We prefer forgiving to judging. (Hearts Quotes)
..all forms of needlework of the fancy order are inventions of the evil one for keeping the foolish from applying their hearts to wisdom. (Hearts Quotes)
Love transforms our fragile, cowardly hearts into hearts of stone, hearts of blade, hearts of hardest iron. Because love makes heroes of us all. (Hearts Quotes)
The spoken word has come to dominate many Protestant forms of worship: the words of prayers, responsive readings, Scripture, the sermon, and so forth. Yet the spoken word is perhaps the least effective way of reaching the heart; one must constantly pay attention with one’s mind. The spoken word tends to go to our heads, not our hearts. (Hearts Quotes)
We live through the belief of children...Regicide is suicide, citizens. Inscribe that in your hearts. The Great Pretend is a fragile construct. (Hearts Quotes)
No government on earth can make men, who have realized freedom in their hearts, salute against their will. (Hearts Quotes)
Love is a feeling that comes into our hearts of our own choice for neither force nor harshness can limit the heart’s freedom. (Hearts Quotes)
If you put a spoonful of saltin a cup of waterit tastes very salty.If you put a spoonful of saltin a lake of fresh waterthe taste is still pure and clear.Peace comes when our hearts areopen like the sky,vast as the ocean. (Hearts Quotes)
We need books...because we are all, in the private kingdoms of our hearts, desperate for the company of a wise, true friend. (Hearts Quotes)
The enemy stays in the hearts of friends. Watch what your friends know about you and watch what you tell your friends, remember, egoism breeds jealousy and ends a relationship in discord. (Hearts Quotes)
What is our family? We touch our full hearts and see ourselves reflected whole in each other’s eyes. (Hearts Quotes)
Heart, you were never hot Nor large, nor full like hearts made great with shot (Hearts Quotes)