Heaven gives us friends to bless the present scene; resumes them, to prepare us for the next

Heaven gives us friends to bless the present scene; resumes them, to prepare us for the next
Edward Young was an English poet who lived during the 18th century and is best known for his work "Night Thoughts." In this work, Young explores themes of mortality, the afterlife, and the human experience. One of the most famous quotes from Young's work is "Heaven gives us friends to bless the present scene; resumes them, to prepare us for the next."This quote speaks to the idea that the relationships we form with others are not only important in the present moment but also have a deeper significance in preparing us for what comes next. In Young's view, friends are a gift from heaven that enrich our lives and bring us joy and companionship in the here and now. They are a source of support, comfort, and love that make our lives more meaningful and fulfilling.
However, Young also acknowledges that these relationships are not meant to last forever. Just as heaven gives us friends to bless the present scene, it also takes them away from us when the time comes for us to move on to the next stage of our existence. This can be a difficult and painful process, as we must say goodbye to those we have grown close to and rely on for support. But Young suggests that this separation is necessary in order to prepare us for what comes next.