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Heaven Quotes

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It is good to have some friends both in heaven and hell  (Heaven Quotes) As much of heaven is visible as we have eyes to see  (Heaven Quotes) Pray for me, as I will for thee, that we may merrily meet in heaven  (Heaven Quotes) Upon the battle ground of heaven and hell I palsied stand  (Heaven Quotes) Be purity of life the test, leave to the heart, to heaven the rest  (Heaven Quotes) May your sleep be your death, and your wakefulness be your heaven  (Heaven Quotes) Probably no invention came more easily to man than heaven  (Heaven Quotes) Sleep is the sister of death and the dwellers of heaven will not sleep  (Heaven Quotes) I would rather go to heaven alone than go to hell in company  (Heaven Quotes) Let us learn upon earth those things which can call us to heaven  (Heaven Quotes) The ill usage of every minute is a new record against us in heaven  (Heaven Quotes) Every step of the way to heaven is heaven  (Heaven Quotes) Comfort’s in heaven, and we are on the earth  (Heaven Quotes) When heaven joins the battle against you, who could stand?  (Heaven Quotes) With all respects to heaven, I like it here  (Heaven Quotes) This look of thine will hurl my soul from heaven  (Heaven Quotes) Heaven give you many, many merry days  (Heaven Quotes) His heart as far from fraud as heaven from earth  (Heaven Quotes) The plants look up to heaven, from whence they have their nourishment  (Heaven Quotes) Heaven truly knows that thou art false as hell  (Heaven Quotes) Prayer is your personal key to heaven  (Heaven Quotes) Heaven is a person: Jesus  (Heaven Quotes) Families are the treasure of heaven  (Heaven Quotes) It takes two to create a heaven, but hell can be accomplished by one  (Heaven Quotes) Heaven lieth at the feet of mothers  (Heaven Quotes) Heaven offers nothing that a mercenary soul can desire  (Heaven Quotes) We live on earth; our homeland is in heaven  (Heaven Quotes) Listen to and sing the music of heaven  (Heaven Quotes) To live with gratitude ever in our hearts is to touch heaven  (Heaven Quotes) The family is the pattern of heaven  (Heaven Quotes)
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