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Heaven Quotes

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Grown old in love from seven till seven times seven, I oft have wished for hell for ease from heaven  (Heaven Quotes) To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour  (Heaven Quotes) When the stars threw down their spears, and watered heaven with their tears, did he smile his work to see? Did he who made the lamb make thee?  (Heaven Quotes) To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour  (Heaven Quotes) To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower hold infinity in the palms of your hand and eternity in an hour  (Heaven Quotes) Love seeketh not itself to please, nor for itself hath any care, but for another gives its ease, and builds a heaven in hell's despair  (Heaven Quotes) What flowers are to gardens, spices to food, gems to a garment, and stars to heaven; such are proverbs interwoven in speech  (Heaven Quotes) O, then, what graces in my love do dwell, that he hath turned a heaven unto hell!  (Heaven Quotes) Leave her to heaven and to those thorns that in her bosom lodge, To prick and sting her  (Heaven Quotes) O! Let me not be mad, not mad, sweet heaven; keep me in temper; I would not be mad!  (Heaven Quotes) Four things a man must learn to do If he would make his record true: To think without confusion clearly; To love his fellow-men sincerely; To act from honest motives purely; To trust in God and heaven securely  (Heaven Quotes) For men have dulled their eyes with sin, and dimmed the light of heaven with doubt, and built their temple-walls to shut thee in, and framed their iron creeds to shut thee out  (Heaven Quotes) Thank heaven, though, one of the few mistakes I haven't made is to talk about the unwritten book  (Heaven Quotes) Improvisation is the essence of good talk. Heaven defend us from the talker who doles out things prepared for us! But let heaven not less defend us from the beautifully spontaneous writer who puts his trust in the inspiration of the moment!  (Heaven Quotes) Forsooth, brethren, fellowship is heaven and lack of fellowship is hell; fellowship is life and lack of fellowship is death; and the deeds that ye do upon the Earth, it is for fellowship's sake that ye do them  (Heaven Quotes) The Gods and their tranquil abodes appear, which no winds disturb, nor clouds bedew with showers, nor does the white snow, hardened by frost, annoy them; the heaven, always pure, is without clouds, and smiles with pleasant light diffused  (Heaven Quotes) Genius inspires this thirst for fame: there is no blessing undesired by those to whom heaven gave the means of winning it  (Heaven Quotes) Heaven is not to sweep our truths away, but only to turn them till we see their glory, to open them till we see their truth, and to unveil our eyes till for the first time we shall really see them  (Heaven Quotes) Of heaven or hell I have no power to sing, I cannot ease the burden of your fears, or make quick-coming death a little thing, or bring again the pleasure of past years, nor for my words shall ye forget your tears, or hope again for aught that I can say, the idle singer of an empty day  (Heaven Quotes) The peasant thanked her with their tears, when food and clothes were given; this is a joy, the lady said, saints cannot taste in heaven  (Heaven Quotes) Changeless march the stars above, changeless morn succeeds to even; and the everlasting hills, changeless watch the changeless heaven  (Heaven Quotes) See the land, her easter keeping, rises as her maker rose; seeds so long in darkness sleeping burst at last from winter snows. Earth with heaven above rejoices; fields and garlands hail the spring; shaughs and woodlands ring with voices while the wild birds build and sing  (Heaven Quotes) So when I'm killed, don't wait for me, walking the dim corridor; In heaven or hell, don't wait for me, or you must wait for evermore. You'll find me buried, living-dead In these verses that you've read  (Heaven Quotes) One might almost fear, writes a thoughtful woman, seeing how the women of to-day are lightly stirred up to run after some new fashion or faith, that heaven is not so near to them as it was to their mothers and grandmothers  (Heaven Quotes) There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark  (Heaven Quotes) Ask yourself whether the dream of heaven and greatness should be waiting for us in our graves - or whether it should be ours here and now and on this Earth  (Heaven Quotes) I tell my kids, This is not the same person I grew up with. You are looking at an old woman who is trying to get into Heaven  (Heaven Quotes) Our souls, piercing through the impurity of flesh, behold the highest heaven, and thence bring knowledge to contemplate the ever during, glory and termless joy  (Heaven Quotes) Honor to the Soldier, and Sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country's cause. Honor also to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field, and serves, as he best can, the same cause, honor to him, only less than to him, who braves, for the common good, the storms of heaven and the storms of battle  (Heaven Quotes) Jealousy is the dragon in paradise; the hell of heaven; and the most bitter of the emotions because associated with the sweetest  (Heaven Quotes)
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