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Heaven Quotes

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Christ is our Passover! And we will keep the feast with the new leaven, the bread of heaven: All welcome, even the least!  (Heaven Quotes) Goodnight; ensured release, imperishable peace, have these for yours, while sea abides, and land, And Earth's foundations stand, and heaven endures  (Heaven Quotes) Be still, my soul, be still; the arms you bear are brittle, Earth and high heaven are fixt of old and founded strong  (Heaven Quotes) Bends to the grave with unperceived decay, while resignation gently slopes the way; and, all his prospects brightening to the last, his heaven commences ere the world be past  (Heaven Quotes) We mount to heaven mostly on the ruins of our cherished schemes, finding our failures were successes  (Heaven Quotes) The human mind is inspired enough when it comes to inventing horrors; it is when it tries to invent a Heaven that it shows itself cloddish  (Heaven Quotes) An inexhaustible good nature is one of the most precious gifts of heaven, spreading itself like oil over the troubled sea of thought, and keeping the mind smooth and equable in the roughest weather  (Heaven Quotes) If we got one-tenth of what was promised to us in these acceptance speeches there wouldn't be any inducement to go to heaven  (Heaven Quotes) I sometimes think one of the great blessings we shall enjoy in heaven, will be to receive letters by every post and never be obliged to reply to them  (Heaven Quotes) That inexhaustible good - nature which is the most precious gift of Heaven, spreading itself like oil over the troubled sea of thought, and keeping the mind smooth and equable in the roughest weather  (Heaven Quotes) That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly. It is dearness only which gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price on its goods  (Heaven Quotes) I wonder where that bat is now? Maybe he's sitting in Bat Heaven somewhere, with his own bat roadies  (Heaven Quotes) If the course of human affairs be considered, it will be seen that many things arise against which heaven does not allow us to guard  (Heaven Quotes) …you guessed that somewhere, in heaven knew what country and what guise, there was someone who was part of your body and your brain, and that without him you were lost, a straw blown by the wind  (Heaven Quotes) The optimist builds himself safe inside a cell and paints the inside walls sky blue and blocks up the door and says he's in heaven  (Heaven Quotes) The weight of God's glory, not illusory or ephemeral, but daily and everywhere, punctures earth's lid and heaven falls through the holes  (Heaven Quotes) But oars alone can ne'er prevail To reach the distant coast; the breath of Heaven must swell the sail, Or all the toil is lost  (Heaven Quotes) Thou my star at the stars are gazing would I were heaven that I might behold thee with many eyes  (Heaven Quotes) But many a crime deem'd innocent on Earth Is register'd in Heaven; and these no doubt Have each their record, with a curse annex'd. Man may dismiss compassion from his heart, But God will never  (Heaven Quotes) Though we may not be able to see His purpose or His plan, the Lord of heaven is on His throne and in firm control of the universe and our lives  (Heaven Quotes) Heaven does not know you as the fellow with the nice suit or the woman with the big house or the kid with the new bike. Heaven knows your heart  (Heaven Quotes) When perjury, that heaven defying vice, sells oaths by tale, and at the lowest price, stamps God's own name upon a lie just made, to turn a penny in the way of trade  (Heaven Quotes) We may speak about a place where there are no tears, no death, no fear, no night; but those are just the benefits of heaven. The beauty of heaven is seeing God  (Heaven Quotes) The same way, you should be a light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do and will praise your Father in heaven  (Heaven Quotes) And our wise Father in heaven knows when we're going to need things too. Don't run out ahead of Him  (Heaven Quotes) I had believed the Bible always, but reading it now had nothing to do with belief. It was simply a description of the way things were - of hell and heaven, of how men act and how God acts  (Heaven Quotes) Then liberty, like day, breaks on the soul, and by a flash from Heaven Fires all the faculties with glorious joy  (Heaven Quotes) Heaven speed the canvas, gallantly unfurl'd, to furnish and accommodate a world, to give the Pole the produce of the sun, and knit the unsocial climates into one  (Heaven Quotes) The propitious smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which heaven itself has ordained  (Heaven Quotes) And because we are, somehow, better than they, we get to go to heaven and they don't. Christians will tell you outright that they believe that  (Heaven Quotes)
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