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Heaven Quotes

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Great indeed is the sublimity of the creative, to which all beings owe their beginning and which permeates all heaven  (Heaven Quotes) A took my father grossly, full of bread, with all his crimes broad blown, as flush as May; and how his audit stands, who knows save heaven?  (Heaven Quotes) Each new morn new widows howl, new orphans cry, new sorrows strike heaven on the face, that it resounds as if felt with scotland and yelled out like syllable of dolor  (Heaven Quotes) Dying like men, though buried in your dunghills, they shall be fam'd; for there the stun shall greet them, and draw their honors reeking up to heaven; leaving their Earthly parts to choke your clime  (Heaven Quotes) I charge thee, satan, housed within this man, to yield possession to my holy prayers, and to thy state of darkness hie thee straight. I conjure thee by all the saints in heaven  (Heaven Quotes) The benediction of these covering heavens fall on their heads like dew, for they are worthy to inlay heaven with stars  (Heaven Quotes) Hail to thee, lady! And the grace of heaven, before, behind thee, and on every hand, enwheel thee round!  (Heaven Quotes) At my nativity the front of heaven was full of fiery shapes, of burning cressets; and, at my birth, the frame and huge foundation of the Earth shaked like a coward  (Heaven Quotes) If yon bethink yourself of any crime unreconcil'd as yet to heaven and grace, solicit for it straight  (Heaven Quotes) In The Touch, the love scenes are the same as they were in The Thorn Birds or anything else I've ever written. I find a way of saying that either it was heaven or hell but in a way that still leaves room for the reader to use their own imagination  (Heaven Quotes) I go, and it is done. The bell invites me. Hear it not, duncan, for it is a knell That summons thee to heaven, or to hell  (Heaven Quotes) We ought to fly away from Earth to heaven as quickly as we can; and to fly away is to become like God, as far as this is possible; and to become like him is to become holy, just, and wise  (Heaven Quotes) Come, thick night, and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell! That my keen knife see not the wound it makes nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark to cry, hold, hold!  (Heaven Quotes) This is the very ecstasy of love, whose violent property fordoes itself and leads the will to desperate undertakings as oft as any passion under heaven that does afflict our natures  (Heaven Quotes) All the principles of heaven and Earth are living inside you. Life itself is truth, and this will never change. Everything in heaven and Earth breathes. Breath is the thread that ties creation together  (Heaven Quotes) Each and every master, regardless of the era or the place, heard the call and attained harmony with heaven and Earth. There are many paths leading to the top of Mount Fuji, but there is only one summit - love  (Heaven Quotes) As sweet and musical as bright Apollo's lute, strung with his hair; and when love speaks, the voice of all the gods makes heaven drowsy with the harmony  (Heaven Quotes) By heaven, I do love, and it hath taught me to rime, and to be mallicholy; and here is part of my rime, and here by mallicholy  (Heaven Quotes) Rather let my head stoop to the block than these knees bow to any save to the God of heaven and to my king  (Heaven Quotes) The view of Jerusalem is the history of the world; it is more, it is the history of Earth and of heaven  (Heaven Quotes) I don't believe in an afterlife, so I don't have to spend my whole life fearing hell, or fearing heaven even more. For whatever the tortures of hell, I think the boredom of heaven would be even worse  (Heaven Quotes) Having a child makes you realize the importance of life - narcissism goes out the window. Heaven on Earth is looking at my little boy. The minute he was born, I knew if I never did anything other than being a mom, I'd be fine  (Heaven Quotes) The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ came to do three things. He came to have my past forgiven, you get a purpose for living and a home in Heaven  (Heaven Quotes) Many merry Christmases, friendships, great accumulation of cheerful recollections, affection on Earth, and Heaven at last for all of us  (Heaven Quotes) In the destroyer's steps there spring up bright creations that defy his power and his dark path becomes a way of light to heaven  (Heaven Quotes) It is the artist who realizes that there is a supreme force above him and works gladly away as a small apprentice under God's heaven  (Heaven Quotes) Heaven and hell suppose two distinct species of men, the good and the bad. But the greatest part of mankind float betwixt vice and virtue  (Heaven Quotes) Marriage is the mother of the world. It preserves kingdoms, and fills cities and churches, and heaven itself  (Heaven Quotes) What can be more foolish than to think that all this rare fabric of heaven and Earth could come by chance, when all the skill of art is not able to make an oyster!  (Heaven Quotes) We may be surprised at the people we find in heaven. God has a soft spot for sinners. His standards are quite low  (Heaven Quotes)
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