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Heaven Quotes

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Heaven and happiness do not exist. That is your parents’ way to justify the crime of having brought you into this world. What exists is reality, the tough reality, this slaughterhouse we’ve come to die in, if not to kill and to eat the animals, our fellow creatures. Therefore, do not reproduce, do not repeat the crimes committed against you, do not give back the same, evil paid with evil, as imposing life is the ultimate crime. Do not disturb the unborn, let them be in the peace of nothingness. Anyway we’ll all eventually go back there, so why beat around the bush?  (Heaven Quotes) As it is a major component of blood, water is vital for transporting oxygen to the brain. Heaven forbid that your blood should dry out  (Heaven Quotes) Women are not thousands of temptations to hell. They are thousands of reminders of the beauty of heaven  (Heaven Quotes) Look at a crucifix. This is how I got my bride to heaven. How else do you think you will get yours there?  (Heaven Quotes) I spent the whole summer with my boobs out, breastfeeding. I loved it. It was heaven  (Heaven Quotes) For a while in my teens, I was sure I had it. It was about getting to heaven. If heaven existed and lasted forever, then a mere lifetime spent scrupulously following orders was a small investment for an infinite payoff. One day, though, I realized I was no longer a believer, and realizing that, I couldn’t go back  (Heaven Quotes) This life is the only hell believers will ever know. But for those who die in their sins, this is their only heaven  (Heaven Quotes) When my children hear godliness out of my mouth and they see wickedness in my life, then I point them to heaven and I lead them to hell  (Heaven Quotes) Don’t search for heaven and hell in the future. Both are now present. Whenever we manage to love without expectations, calculations, negotiations, we are indeed in heaven. Whenever we fight, hate, we are in hell  (Heaven Quotes) If I was bound for hell, let it be hell. No more false heaven. No more damned magic  (Heaven Quotes) These moments were wondrous and divine, instances when the gossamer curtain between heaven and earth ripped and all of humanity witnessed the marvel of the ethereal beings  (Heaven Quotes) When you show a man what he wants he will move heaven and earth to get it  (Heaven Quotes) Most of our suffering comes from resisting what is already here, particularly our feelings. All any feeling wants is to be welcomed, touched, allowed. It wants attention. It wants kindness. If you treated your feelings with as much love as you treated your dog or your cat or your child, you’d feel as if you were living in heaven every day of your sweet life  (Heaven Quotes) Progress toward a more abundant material life does not come like manna from heaven... My message certainly is not one of complacency. In this I agree with the doomsayers: our world needs the best efforts of all humanity to improve our lot  (Heaven Quotes) If we want to be known in heaven and feared in hell we must be willing to lose our reputation here on earth  (Heaven Quotes) The outside world doesn’t have a lot to offer. You have to make your own heaven in your own home  (Heaven Quotes) Hence, let us place there, carved high, as close to heaven as we can, the words of our leaders, their faces, to show posterity what manner of men they were. Then breathe a prayer that these records will endure until the wind and rain alone shall wear them away  (Heaven Quotes) The choice we face is not, as many imagine, between heaven and hell. Rather, the choice is between heaven and this world. Even a fool would exchange hell for heaven; but only the wise will exchange this world for heaven  (Heaven Quotes) I think it’s just as likely that someone could say that this place, right here, is heaven, hell and earth all at the same time. And we still wouldn’t know what to do differently. Everyone just muddles through, trying not to make too many mistakes  (Heaven Quotes) If heaven gives me ten more years, or an extension of even five years, I shall surely become a true artist  (Heaven Quotes) Angels, demons, sex. Heaven, hell, war. Blood and royalty, history and magic, fire and ice. And a story you cannot put down. This is fantasy at its best  (Heaven Quotes) Heaven is totally overrated. It seems boring. Clouds, listening to people play the harp. It should be somewhere you can’t wait to go, like a luxury hotel. Maybe blue skies and soft music were enough to keep people in line in the 17th century, but heaven has to step it up a bit. They’re basically getting by because they only have to be better than hell  (Heaven Quotes) The persons you long for, who have gone to heaven before you, will be waiting for you when you die. They will be ready to comfort you and escort you to heaven  (Heaven Quotes) Seen in its own right, a loving person’s inner spirit is an angel of heaven, and while we are living in the body we are also in the company of angels, even though we are not aware of it; and once we are released from the body we join them  (Heaven Quotes) God created us in such a way that our inner self is in the spiritual world and our outer self is in the physical world. This was so that the spiritual part of us, which belongs in heaven, could be planted in the physical part the way a seed is planted in the ground  (Heaven Quotes) If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven, and very, very few persons  (Heaven Quotes) If you treat your feelings with as much love as you treat your dog or your cat or your child you’ll feel as if you were living in heaven  (Heaven Quotes) I was spoiled when I worked in the magazine world. Fashion closets are heaven and I seem to model my organization after a fashion closet  (Heaven Quotes) All of salvation is to make us look good! We who are dirty, worn, broken, and sinful are to be the showcase of heaven  (Heaven Quotes) So long as the new moon returns in heaven a bent, beautiful bow, so long will the fascination of archery keep hold in the hearts of men  (Heaven Quotes)
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