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Heaven Quotes

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Hark! She is called, the parting hour is come. Take thy farewell, poor world! Heaven must go home  (Heaven Quotes) All there is responds to a word of praise. God responds. We respond. Everything responds. The whole world sparkles, quivers, comes alive. Things vibrate and are quickened. We vibrate and are quickened. Heaven and earth are in tune with us, and we are in tune with them. When we give praise, everything wants to give in return  (Heaven Quotes) It is much better to be drawn by the joys of heaven, than driven by the sorrows of earth  (Heaven Quotes) Turn all your thoughts and aspirations to heaven. Work hard to secure for yourself a place there for ever  (Heaven Quotes) The precise location of heaven on earth has never been established but it may very well be right here  (Heaven Quotes) The quickest way to release heaven on earth is to worship. Worship is the main activity of heaven and the destiny of all created things  (Heaven Quotes) He who goes to the bottom of his own heart knows his own nature; And knowing his own nature, he knows heaven  (Heaven Quotes) The best moments on earth are those during which we meditate upon heavenly things in general, when we recognize or defend the truth, that heavenly dweller and denizen. Only then do we truly live. Therefore, the essential interests of the soul require that we should oftener rise above the earth, upwards to heaven, where is our true life, our true country, which shall have no end  (Heaven Quotes) Bicycles are the new rollerblades, talentless is the new talented, and I’m in hog heaven  (Heaven Quotes) Peoples have come to experience that political structures and divisions of power are not immutable. Nor will they perceive the distribution of wealth and resources between nations to be unalterably ordained by heaven and incapable of drastic rearrangement by the less than gentle manipulation of man  (Heaven Quotes) The thing that I always notice that dates a record is the rhythm section. With a good arranger the music can be timeless. But, rhythm can change, because heaven knows, we didn’t know rock was going to come in, did we?  (Heaven Quotes) We celebrate our intelligence, possessions, looks, talent, and achievements. Heaven celebrates how we used all of it  (Heaven Quotes) I think it rather pathetic that so many people are looking forward to heaven to prove that their doctrinal position was correct  (Heaven Quotes) Daily I expect to be murdered or betrayed or reduced to slavery if the occasion arises. But I fear nothing, because of the promises of heaven  (Heaven Quotes) Having a dog or cat will open your heart. Reading a book will open your mind. Having both a pet and a book... absolute heaven  (Heaven Quotes) If I were asked to give the best idea of which I am capable, it would be that we should get out of the junk business and then start laying up treasures in heaven  (Heaven Quotes) The older I get, the more I feel like an exile, that I don’t belong here. And I don’t. I was made for heaven, and my heart is longing for it  (Heaven Quotes) Your grandmother used to say that you were two souls separated in heaven. She mainly meant you were both trouble and deserved each other  (Heaven Quotes) I don’t think much about my physical body going off into the long, green fairways of heaven to play golf  (Heaven Quotes) There is silver blue, sky blue and thunder blue. Every colour holds within it a soul, which makes me happy or repels me, and which acts as a stimulus. To a person who has no art in him, colours are colours, tones tones... and that is all. All their consequences for the human spirit, which range between heaven to hell, just go unnoticed  (Heaven Quotes) Socialism is workable only in heaven where it isn’t needed, and in hell where they’ve got it  (Heaven Quotes) All we can take with us to heaven is what we leave behind in the lives we touch  (Heaven Quotes) If marriages are said to be made in heaven then why search for grooms in hell  (Heaven Quotes) Christ didn’t die just so you could make to heaven; He lives so you can make it through earth!  (Heaven Quotes) The earth becomes heaven when you release your fear. The main thing in life is not to be afraid of being human  (Heaven Quotes) You see heaven isn’t some place that we go to when we die. It’s that split second in life where you actually feel alive, and until the end of time, we chase the memory of that, hoping the future holds something better than the past  (Heaven Quotes) Time taught me how to see every second as heaven, even though they’re perfectly disguised as hell  (Heaven Quotes) A wee bit of heaven drifted down from above, a handful of happiness, a heart full of love  (Heaven Quotes) My summary of all our experiences was that it showed that heaven and hell are one place, and we all go there. To those who are prepared, it is heaven; to those who are not fit and ready, it is hell  (Heaven Quotes) I had a wonderful family including my aunts, uncles and cousins but they’ve all gone to heaven  (Heaven Quotes)
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