Heaven Quotes
Text Quotes
The kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it (Heaven Quotes)
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted (Heaven Quotes)
And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour (Heaven Quotes)
Thank heaven for little girls! For little girls get bigger every day. Thank heaven for little girls! They grow up in the most delightful way (Heaven Quotes)
Tis expectation makes a blessing dear; Heaven were not heaven if we knew what it were (Heaven Quotes)
We are all exceptional cases... Each man insists on being innocent, even if it means accusing the whole human race, and heaven (Heaven Quotes)
Humor to me, heaven help me, takes in many things. There must be courage; there must be no awe. There must be criticism, for humor, to my mind, is encapsulated in criticism (Heaven Quotes)
Lucky are soldiers who strive in a just war; for them it is an easy entry into heaven (Heaven Quotes)
If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven (Heaven Quotes)
Know from the bounteous heaven all riches flow; and what man gives, the gods by man bestow (Heaven Quotes)
Every one who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell (Heaven Quotes)
When a man says that he is perfect already, there are only two places for him, and that is heaven or the lunatic asylum (Heaven Quotes)
There is a heaven, for ever, day by day, the upward longing of my soul doth tell me so. There is a hell, I’m quite as sure; for pray, if there were not, where would my neighbors go? (Heaven Quotes)
Sir, a man who cannot get to heaven in a green coat, will not find his way thither the sooner in a grey one (Heaven Quotes)
A man who is good enough to go to heaven, is good enough to be a clergyman (Heaven Quotes)
Come, fair repentance, daughter of the skies! Soft harbinger of soon returning virtue; the weeping messenger of grace from heaven (Heaven Quotes)
When we parcel heaven and fence eternity, when the wildness is all tamed and torn, don’t let me live to see (Heaven Quotes)
Haste and rashness are storms and tempests, breaking and wrecking business; but nimbleness is a full, fair wind, blowing it with speed to the heaven (Heaven Quotes)
The heart must be at rest before the mind, like a quiet lake under an unclouded summer evening, can reflect the solemn starlight and the splendid mysteries of heaven (Heaven Quotes)
Would to heaven he had given up to trifles like these all the time which he devoted to cruelty (Heaven Quotes)
Around his form his loose long robe was thrown, and wrapt a breast bestowed on heaven alone (Heaven Quotes)
Bounded in his nature, infinite in his desires, man is a fallen God who has a recollection of heaven (Heaven Quotes)
Swinish gluttony never looks to heaven amidst its gorgeous feast; but with besotted, base ingratitude, cravens and blasphemes his feeder (Heaven Quotes)
If people would but provide for eternity with the same solicitude and real care as they do for this life, they could not fail of heaven (Heaven Quotes)
The origin of all mankind was the same; it is only a clear and good conscience that makes a man noble, for that is derived from heaven itself (Heaven Quotes)
The individual and the race are always moving, and as we drift into new latitudes new lights open in the heaven more immediately over us (Heaven Quotes)
No barriers, no masses of matter, however enormous, can withstand the powers of the mind the remotest corners yield to them; all things succumb, the very heaven itself is laid open (Heaven Quotes)
An oath is a recognizance to heaven, binding us over in the courts above to plead to the indictment of our crimes (Heaven Quotes)
We are carried up to the heaven by the circling wave, and immediately the wave subsiding, we descend to the lowest depths (Heaven Quotes)
Bird of the broad and sweeping wing, thy home is high in heaven, where wide the storms their banners fling, and the tempest clouds are driven (Heaven Quotes)