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Periodic fasting can help clear up the mind and strengthen the body and the spirit  (Help Quotes) You help someone’s health, and you prevent them from infecting others  (Help Quotes) Two words will help you cope when you run low on hope: accept and trust  (Help Quotes) The greatest of all disorders is to think we are whole and need no help  (Help Quotes) When a worker has reached a stable state, further training will not help him  (Help Quotes) Christ seeketh your help in your place; give Him your hand  (Help Quotes) Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness will help a man walk tall. Walk tall!  (Help Quotes) Knowing your genetic health risks will help you make better decisions  (Help Quotes) If I can help get anybody through puberty, I say, ‘Good!  (Help Quotes) Norma Bates is insanely crazy, but you can’t help but love her  (Help Quotes) I hope that my government can help change Italian mentality  (Help Quotes) I just bought a Mac to help me design the next Cray  (Help Quotes) You help me, I’ll help you. That’s politics  (Help Quotes) I think the Olympics could help us reach more people  (Help Quotes) I cannot help it - in spite of myself, infinity torments me  (Help Quotes) I hate the word ‘sneering’, I can’t help the way my face looks  (Help Quotes) Will Smith said if I ever need some help, he was there for me  (Help Quotes) You can take care of yourself, and God helps those who help themselves  (Help Quotes) You should use your influence to help other platforms succeed  (Help Quotes) I like meeting people and I like being able to help  (Help Quotes) God has a plan for you today: one designed to help get you to Heaven  (Help Quotes) Each of us can do something to help someone  (Help Quotes) Whatever I have to do to help us win, I’ll do  (Help Quotes) My dad is my hitting coach. When I need help, I go to him  (Help Quotes) Help me. Please, God help me  (Help Quotes) There is no help from without, only from within  (Help Quotes) I can’t help to spit nails when just thinking about Trade Unions  (Help Quotes) Priorities and purpose help keep us on track  (Help Quotes) I’m very focused on projects that help people, not just help me  (Help Quotes) If you’re batting and you go off on one it can’t really help you  (Help Quotes)
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