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There has certainly been criticism of the timing involved in getting help to the victims of the storm, and much of it may indeed be warranted. However, this is not the time for pointing fingers; rather, it is the time for offering a helping hand to our neighbors in need  (Help Quotes) I want to help people with depression understand that there is hope, so that they can get the help they need to live rich, fulfilling lives  (Help Quotes) I offer my expertise and experience for hire in order to help a group of people reach the summit  (Help Quotes) It doesn’t help to fight crime to put people in prison who are innocent  (Help Quotes) Google actually relies on our users to help with our marketing. We have a very high percentage of our users who often tell others about our search engine  (Help Quotes) Big businesses can help by engaging aspiring entrepreneurs and promoting initiatives which support small businesses from within  (Help Quotes) It’s also selfish because it makes you feel good when you help others. I’ve been helped by acts of kindness from strangers. That’s why we’re here, after all, to help others  (Help Quotes) To help my muscles rebuild after I work out, I have a small serving of cottage cheese  (Help Quotes) It’s always a help when you have worked with someone as you’ve got to know them a bit already  (Help Quotes) And to do that not only for the war fighter, but also to help prepare the people in the acquisition, personnel and policy worlds who need to make adjustments in the department’s business, which itself may take 10 or 15 years to accomplish  (Help Quotes) I cannot but be grieved to go from my native land, and especially from that part of it for whom and with whom I desired only to live; yet the dreadful apprehensions I have of what is coming upon this land may help to make me submissive to this providence, though more bitter  (Help Quotes) Cancer is a disease where the patient can contribute a great deal of help himself if he or she can retain their morale and their hopes  (Help Quotes) Tarantino is the coolest damn guy; he’s just so much fun to work with. He might be the best director I’ve ever worked with. He just seems to know how to do it and he knows how to make you feel good about it. He’s having so much fun you start having fun. You can’t help it  (Help Quotes) There aren’t that many policy changes you can do, so I’d say you ride the wave and hope that maybe some of the external events help you  (Help Quotes) There are no road signs to help navigate. And, in fact, no one has yet determined which side of the road we’re supposed to be on  (Help Quotes) Indeed, I would feel that an appreciation of the arts in a conscious, disciplined way might help one to do science better  (Help Quotes) I had done everything I could do as an astronaut, and we have a long line of inexperienced astronauts waiting for their first missions, and so my role really should be to step aside and help them prepare for their missions, rather than to try to get another mission  (Help Quotes) I believe the accepted model of capitalism that demands endless growth deserves the blame for the destruction of nature, and it should be displaced. Failing that, I try to work with those companies and help them change the way they think about our resources  (Help Quotes) I can’t say enough about how I’m against drugs. Be smart, think about it, look at what it does to people, look at how much you have to experience in life and be courageous enough to do everything you want to without that chemical help  (Help Quotes) As a physician, I understand how important it is to collect data on people so we can understand what’s happening with them. I will be in the position to help enable that knowledge  (Help Quotes) You know what black hatred women feel toward me as soon as they see me, until I return inside my shell, they use every possible weapon. As soon as a generous man tries to help me out, a woman is here to hold his arm and prevent him from acting  (Help Quotes) Every rustic who delivers in the village alehouse his slow, infrequent sentences, may help to kill or keep alive the fatal superstitions which clog his race  (Help Quotes) Clothes are part of the character. They can’t but help inform who you are  (Help Quotes) We have an opportunity, but we have an obligation to senior citizens and to the younger people who are entering the workforce today to help ensure that they are going to be able to trust the government to have a workable program that benefits them as well  (Help Quotes) Despite my emphasis on technology, I do not view laws as inherently evil. My goals are political ones, even if my techniques are not. The only way to fundamentally succeed is by changing existing laws. If I rejected all help from the political arena I would inevitably fail  (Help Quotes) If I had not been already been meditating, I would certainly have had to start. I’ve treated my own depression for many years with exercise and meditation, and I’ve found that to be a tremendous help  (Help Quotes) Recovering from the suicide of a loved one, you need all the help you can get, so I very much recommend a meditation program. The whole picture of how to recover from this has to do with body, mind, and spirit. That’s applicable to any kind of depression  (Help Quotes) We can never fully repay the debt of our proud nation to those who have laid down their lives for our country. The best we can do is honor their memory, ensure that their sacrifice is not in vain, and help provide for their families  (Help Quotes) I am involved in minor league baseball. I go around the country speaking to troubled youths, trying to help them understand that whatever path they choose, they’ll need to really pay attention to it  (Help Quotes) I would say 90 percent of my mail and phone calls are from people who want some kind of help or succor or commitment from me to do something  (Help Quotes)
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