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If living by these sets of morals and principles and wanting to help better my land, better my country, my community, my team, my environment and helping the next person help themselves, if that’s considered crazy, then I’m a crazy  (Help Quotes) I’ve dated some women who have turned me on to some funny things that are strange for men to actually do, but these things have become part of my process. I think the things I do for my appearance help make me look better. I even colour my hair because I like how it makes me look  (Help Quotes) I learned, too, how it was possible with the help of the picture and action to transform an apparently insignificant violin passage into an incident, and to lift a simple horn call into a thing of stupendous significance by means of scenic emphasis  (Help Quotes) Money has to be put in the way a club feels it should. If you put money in a new ballpark, that helps to generate revenue so you can spend more money. It should be spent to make the club’s operations the best. That will help in the end, and it will mean enhanced payroll  (Help Quotes) We feel really blessed to have been asked to come here, and to have the opportunity for our family to be able to look into the eyes of these people, and in some way help  (Help Quotes) I think that acting involves doing your job so well that you are able to help the viewer identify with the character  (Help Quotes) When I create a false reality, I always try to create a plausible structure to help convince people  (Help Quotes) I never help my kids and I never encourage them and I never give them any advice  (Help Quotes) I’ve spent my career trying to help people without connections understand what’s going on so that they have a chance of getting a fair shake from the connected and the powerful  (Help Quotes) I hope I will be a calm mother; I do yoga and I meditate, and those should help  (Help Quotes) There really is a camaraderie among chefs and a willingness to help out whenever we can  (Help Quotes) Building a solid foundation in the early years of a child’s life will not only help him or her reach their reach their full potential but will also result in better societies as a whole  (Help Quotes) Connecticut’s first responders and defense workers work every day to help us achieve these goals  (Help Quotes) I used to get stressed out all the time when I thought winning was important. I wanted to try to win and help my kids win. Once I figured out it wasn’t about winning or losing, it was about teaching these kids about being men, that’s when I started to relax  (Help Quotes) We have a group of friends of the museum who try to raise, if they can, periodically something to help us. Of course, the main thing about a building like this is its upkeep. It needs central heating and it needs central air conditioning  (Help Quotes) To help, to continually help and share, that is the sum of all knowledge; that is the meaning of art  (Help Quotes) I count on chiropractic sessions to keep my body aligned. Standing for hours can impact my posture, and that can throw the rest of my body out of whack. Acupuncture helps me relax and release stress. I’m also very into massage to help release tension in my back, neck, and shoulders  (Help Quotes) I hope for your help to explore and protect the wild ocean in ways that will restore the health and, in so doing, secure hope for humankind. Health to the ocean means health for us  (Help Quotes) Heroic people take risks to themselves to help others. There’s nothing heroic about accepting $5 million to go out and run around chasing a ball, although you may show fortitude or those other qualities while you do it  (Help Quotes) Many times I’ve sat with a camera and another actor and seen all their fears and insecurities and struggles. You want to support them and help them as much as you can  (Help Quotes) Don’t just stand there, idiot. Call a doctor, and then help me find a nose  (Help Quotes) Educate yourself. Understand what you’re dealing with. Then figure out how to fight it. Then figure out how to raise money for that fight. It’ll help you cope. It’ll help your child  (Help Quotes) As long as designers want to dress me, photographers want to take my picture and companies think my face will help their products, then I won’t go anywhere until they’re done with me  (Help Quotes) Divisions of the kind were fashionable at that time, and it was so easy to stifle one’s need to help by deciding that help could neither be accepted nor understood  (Help Quotes) Before this learning experience, I had assumed that with regard to programs that sought to help people out of poverty, the political world was essentially divided into two camps: conservatives who opposed these for a variety of reasons, and liberals who supported them  (Help Quotes) Sometimes you got to hurt something to help something. Sometimes you have to plow under one thing in order for something else to grow  (Help Quotes) I like to help create team spirit in the dressing room. I feel that I’ve got loads of love to give  (Help Quotes) You know, I want to help my country. Definitely I can help them, simply by winning races. Sure, they can follow my path to a good career. But for me it is not enough. I want to be more than that. In everything I want to be a role model  (Help Quotes) I learned that kids in show business are so different from regular, average students. They would gather behind you and help you to succeed in any way possible  (Help Quotes) When I talk to people, their concern is, how are you going to create jobs? How are you going to help turn this economy around? How are we going to make sure that when my kids get out of high school or college there will be some job there? Those are the concerns that are on their minds  (Help Quotes)
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