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There’s nothing, repeat, nothing to be ashamed of when you’re going through a depression. If you get help, the chances of your licking it are really good. But, you have to get yourself onto a safe path  (Help Quotes) It’s the best thing in the world, the most challenging thing in the world, being a parent, and one of the first lessons I learned was to ask for help  (Help Quotes) I just want to be happy, have kids, enjoy my life, help others and create some good work  (Help Quotes) I do not admire politicians; but when they are excellent in their way, one cannot help allowing them their due  (Help Quotes) You can’t help but feel a little bit like a mother to the younger cast members  (Help Quotes) I’ve actually become much, much dumber through being married and having these children. I find that I’m not half as sharp that I once was. I can’t even help them with their 4th and 5th grade vocabulary and math work at this point  (Help Quotes) If we were driving pure hydrogen automobiles, that automobile would actually help clean up the air because the air coming out of the exhaust would be cleaner than the air going into the engine intake  (Help Quotes) In preseason camp, there are no friends. when newcomers arrive trying to take not only your job, but maybe your best friend’s job, you work together to try to help each other. Everyone is an outsider until you’re given a uniform  (Help Quotes) When I come off the bench, I’m looking to add energy, and then I play defense and rebound. Also, at the end of the game, I have the experience to go out there and help us win  (Help Quotes) Asthma research is a lot better and new medicines are always coming out to help young people  (Help Quotes) People say it’s not ambitious, but it is actually quite ambitious wanting to help people  (Help Quotes) Every day, I work at not taking this fame thing seriously. Fortunately, I have a great group of friends who help me do this  (Help Quotes) We are indeed much more than what we eat, but what we eat can nevertheless help us to be much more than what we are  (Help Quotes) It’s the gloomy things that need our help, if everything in the garden is sunny, why meddle?  (Help Quotes) I can’t think of any sorrow in the world that a hot bath wouldn’t help, just a little bit  (Help Quotes) Never be a cynic, even a gentle one. Never help out a sneer, even at the devil  (Help Quotes) You can’t help someone get up a hill without getting closer to the top yourself  (Help Quotes) Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it. No destructive lies. No ridiculous fears. No debilitating anger  (Help Quotes) Illness is the result of imbalance. Imbalance is a result of forgetting who you are. Forgetting who you are creates thoughts and actions that lead to an unhealthy lifestyle and eventually to illness... Illness can thus be understood as a lesson you have given yourself to help you remember who you are  (Help Quotes) There is no better boat than a horoscope to help a man cross over the sea of life  (Help Quotes) What are we at the park for except to win? I’d trip my mother. I’d help her up, brusher her off, tell her I’m sorry. But mother don’t make it to third  (Help Quotes) I’m a golfaholic, no question about that. Counseling wouldn’t help me. They’d have to put me in prison, and then I’d talk the warden into building a hole or two and teach him how to play  (Help Quotes) It seems to me that any full grown, mature adult would have a desire to be responsible, to help where he can in a world that needs so very much, that threatens us so very much  (Help Quotes) The trouble with integers is that we have examined only the very small ones. Maybe all the exciting stuff happens at really big numbers, ones we can’t even begin to think about in any very definite way. Our brains have evolved to get us out of the rain, find where the berries are, and keep us from getting killed. Our brains did not evolve to help us grasp really large numbers or to look at things in a hundred thousand dimensions  (Help Quotes) I’m of the school of thought where, if you can’t sort something out for yourself, no one can help you. Rehab is great for some people but not others  (Help Quotes) I try to help people become the best possible editors of their own work, to help them become conscious of the things they do well, of the things they need to look at again, of the wells of material they have not even begun to dip their buckets into  (Help Quotes) To supply people for ages in camps makes no sense... you have to rebuild that cabana that they rent out to tourists on the weekend. They need help getting their fields repaired and their boats repaired  (Help Quotes) My mother tells this story that when I first went to school, I thought I was going to help the teachers. I didn’t realize I was going to get educated  (Help Quotes) In the future, when we get serious about executing things correctly, this thing will be very easy to do. If we find out that this technique does not work, I don’t intend to step on dead bodies to achieve something because I don’t have that kind of ambition. My ambition is to help people  (Help Quotes) Most important, you learn never to trust a man, even if he seems honest and sincere. You learn how men deceive themselves and how impossible it is to help them without injuring yourself  (Help Quotes)
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