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Too many times women try to be competitive with each other. We should help support each other, rather than try to be better than each other  (Help Quotes) I always wanted to be somebody... If I’ve made it, it’s half because I was game to take a wicked amount of punishment along the way, and half because there were an awful lot of people who cared enough to help me  (Help Quotes) The arts, instead of quaking along the periphery of our policy concerns, must push boldly into the core of policy. The arts are a response to our individuality and our nature and help to shape our identity. The arts are not a frill and should not be treated as such. They have the potential to become the driving force for healing division and divisiveness  (Help Quotes) The arts are not a frill. The arts are a response to our individuality and our nature, and help to shape our identity. What is there that can transcend deep difference and stubborn divisions? The arts. They have a wonderful universality. Art has the potential to unify. It can speak in many languages without a translator. The arts do not discriminate. The arts lift us up  (Help Quotes) You believe in a book that has sticks turning into snakes, and you say we are the ones that need help?  (Help Quotes) Bad ballplayers make good managers, not the other way around. All I can do is help them be as good as they are  (Help Quotes) If you watch how nature deals with adversity, continually renewing itself, you can’t help but learn  (Help Quotes) What most of us need, almost more than anything, is the courage and humility really to ask for help, from the depths of our hearts: to ask for the compassion of the enlightened beings, to ask for purification and healing, to ask for the power to understand the meaning of our suffering and transform it; at a relative level to ask for the growth in our lives of clarity, peace, and discernment, and to ask for the realization of the absolute nature of mind that comes from merging with the deathless wisdom mind of the master  (Help Quotes) ... what about the millions of poor in this country who desperately need assistance and services to help bring them out of poverty? Shall they go to the back of the line? and shall those who have made a dramatic illegal entry, who would normally not be entitled to government assistance, or even entry itself, be put at the front?  (Help Quotes) One of my core values is to help redefine what it means to be a strong and beautiful woman in the music and fashion worlds and to empower the wonderful things that make us unique  (Help Quotes) We need artists to help us come together and share our voices and build community around powerful issues concerning our roles in the world and our planet’s survival. Compassion must be translated into action  (Help Quotes) When a man is to travel into a far country... one staff in his hand may comfortably support him, but a bundle of staves would be troublesome. Thus a competency of these outward things may happily help us in the way to heaven, whereas abundance may be hurtful  (Help Quotes) Do not wonder why you are blessed with so much, just understand you have so much so you can help other people have as much as you  (Help Quotes) I can’t help but to write, I have a inner need for it. If I’m not in the middle of some literary project, I’m utterly lost, unhappy and distressed. As soon as I get started, I calm down  (Help Quotes) My goal has always been to help people help themselves. Your body is your most priceless possession; you’ve go to take care of it!  (Help Quotes) What separates those who achieve from those who do not is in direct proportion to one’s ability to ask for help  (Help Quotes) Nature’s stern discipline enjoins mutual help at least as often as warfare. The fittest may also be the gentlest  (Help Quotes) I had one simple idea about telling friends about arts and technology events. People in the community suggested everything else to us, and that’s our theme. We’re really run by the people who use the site. We just run the infrastructure, and help out with problems  (Help Quotes) Not everyone knows how to be alone with others, how to share solitude. We have to help each other to understand how to be in our solitude, so that we can relate to each other without grabbing on to each other. We can be interdependent but not dependent. Loneliness is rejected despondency. Solitude is shared interdependence  (Help Quotes) An error means a child needs help, not a reprimand or ridicule for doing something wrong  (Help Quotes) We have to free half of the human race, the women, so that they can help free the other half  (Help Quotes) Religions have become a hindrance, rather than a help, to our shared pursuit of peace and progress. They tend to make us meaner rather than better human beings, less sensitive to the demands of justice, compassion and fellow humanity in our times  (Help Quotes) I would like to appeal to all those in whose hands the future of mankind lies, to use their power not to destroy or kill, nor to create suffering in a grasping search for selfish objectives, but to help alleviate the plight of the needy; to aim at justice and freedom for the individual  (Help Quotes) I have to say that I think maybe they did her a favor, and maybe she’ll actually get help. Coffee’s one thing, but coke is another. It’s not something you want to really have as a problem in your life. I think we have to kind of stop rewarding bad behavior and actually start helping people  (Help Quotes) I’m generally never at a lack for words, but it’s indescribable how poor the response was from our own government officials,... We could have coffee for three hours and never get through all the horrors I’ve seen. Where was the help when we needed it?  (Help Quotes) I find myself born into this particular position. I’m determined to make the most of it. And to do whatever I can to help. And I hope I leave things behind a little bit better than I found them  (Help Quotes) Small steps can help people make big changes to achieve what they really desire. That wish isn’t going to go anywhere unless you do something about it. Every day, just do one thing. At the end of six months, you’ll be somewhere  (Help Quotes) Education is critical for people to become compassionate. If you don’t know the problem and you don’t know the reality, how can you help?  (Help Quotes) For thousands of years, father and son have stretched wistful hands across the canyon of time, each eager to help the other to his side, but neither quite able to desert the loyalties of his contemporaries. The relationship is always changing and hence always fragile; nothing endures except the sense of difference  (Help Quotes) The bench press per se is not a risky exercise. When done right, it can help improve upper body strength and size. It’s only when form takes a back seat to numbers and when it’s grossly overtrained that problems result. Injuries occur in the shoulders and elbows when the bench press is overtrained, poor technique is used, such as rebounding the bar off the chest and bridging, no other exercises for the upper body are included in the program, and there are no core exercises done for the upper back. Quite often, it’s a combination all these factors  (Help Quotes)
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