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I love business. I love helping urban communities grow. I love putting people to work of color. I love making sure.. like right now the whole mortgage crisis, I want to help people get back into their homes  (Help Quotes) I motivate players through communication, being honest with them, having them respect and appreciate your ability and your help  (Help Quotes) If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is tied up with mine, then let us work together  (Help Quotes) I want to continue to do is to help these young women be successful... You don’t just say goodbye at the end of their playing careers and end it there  (Help Quotes) I didn’t do anything very pretty. My contributions were in the intangibles. But, they were the type of things that help lead a team  (Help Quotes) Those who’ve been rescued from sin are best able to help in the rescue of others  (Help Quotes) I’ll develop my own image. I’m an original man. A one and only. I just need some help  (Help Quotes) I still get excited just attending a final four, because the process is so long, so arduous, so challenging, that when it finally arrives, the adrenaline can’t help but take over. I love the sense of accomplishment and camaraderie that the indoor game can engender  (Help Quotes) If a child is given love, he becomes loving... If he’s helped when he needs help, he becomes helpful. And if he has been truly valued at home... he grows up secure enough to look beyond himself to the welfare of others  (Help Quotes) What choices are you making in your perception of the events around you? We choose how we view our times. There is a pinch of pessimism in our culture now. Counter it with small acts of optimism. Pick up a piece of litter that isn’t yours. Show some extra grace on the freeway. Give to your food bank. Smile at a child who is in your way. Help someone you know. Help someone you don’t know. The accumulation of small, optimistic acts produces quality in our culture and in your life. Our culture resonates in tense times to individual acts of grace. What’s your choice?  (Help Quotes) Storytelling comes naturally to humans, but since we live in an unnatural world, we sometimes need a little help doing what we’d naturally do  (Help Quotes) To those who help me, I repay them with grace. But to those who don’t, I repay them with exactly what I’ve received. That’s my motto. Only then the world will be balanced  (Help Quotes) Follow your interests, get the best available education and training, set your sights high, be persistent, be flexible, keep your options open, accept help when offered, and be prepared to help others  (Help Quotes) If everything in chemistry is explained in a satisfactory manner without the help of phlogiston, it is by that reason alone infinitely probable that the principle does not exist; that it is a hypothetical body, a gratuitous supposition; indeed, it is in the principles of good logic, not to multiply bodies without necessity  (Help Quotes) Even when I took the drugs I realized that this just wasn’t fun anymore. The drugs had become a part of my routine. Something to wake me up. Something to help me sleep. Something to calm my nerves. There was a time when I was able to wake up, go to sleep, and have fun without a pill or a line to help me function. These days it felt like I might have a nervous breakdown if I didn’t have them  (Help Quotes) Animals cannot speak, but can you and I not speak for them and represent them? Let us all feel their silent cry of agony and let us all help that cry to be heard in the world  (Help Quotes) Deep inside, our integrity sings to us whether we are listening or not. It is a note that only we can hear. Eventually, when life makes us ready to listen, it will help us to find our way home  (Help Quotes) If you want to resolve a dispute or come out from conflict, the very first thing is to speak the truth. If you have a headache and tell the doctor you have a stomachache, how can the doctor help? You must speak the truth. The truth will abolish fear  (Help Quotes) I cannot have survival as my only goal. That would be too boring. My goal is to come back in my best running form. It is good for me to have that goal; it will help me  (Help Quotes) God determines how fast you’re going to run; I can help only with the mechanics  (Help Quotes) Unless we look at a person and see the beauty there is in this person, we can contribute nothing to him. One does not help a person by discerning what is wrong, what is ugly, what is distorted. Christ looked at everyone he met, at the prostitute, at the thief, and saw the beauty hidden there. Perhaps it was distorted, perhaps damaged, but it was beauty none the less, and what he did was to call out this beauty  (Help Quotes) People would rather be praised than criticized but the later may help us make more progress  (Help Quotes) Some intentionally injure others through mocking, sarcasm with no intent to help. Others are trying to help  (Help Quotes) The hopeful part about that is when you do have that help, you will feel better. It still doesn’t make this easy. Nothing makes this easy, but you can make better decisions  (Help Quotes) The biggest thing that I felt basketball could do for me was help me get a good education  (Help Quotes) Love is the only endeavor in which knowing what you’re doing is no help at all  (Help Quotes) Tranquilizers to overcome angst, pep pills to wake us up, life pills to ensure blissful sterility. I will lift up my ears unto the pills whence cometh my help  (Help Quotes) If there is someone in need whom you wish to help, whether the initiative came from him or from you, do no more than he expects of you, not what you might personally wish to do. If you overstep the mark, you will not deserve thanks, but blame from him and others and you will attract hostility, not friendship  (Help Quotes) Even if they don’t know that you are practicing for them, you are helping them and in turn they are helping you. They are actively helping you to develop your compassion, and so to purify and heal yourself. For me, all dying people are teachers, giving to all those who help them a chance to transform themselves through developing their compassion  (Help Quotes) The hardest part of your journey to success will be telling people your crazy dreams and ideas. But I’ve found as soon as you say your dreams aloud, many people will come to your side and help guide your journey in the right direction. During my 30 year journey with my disease I have discovered that you will always be surrounded by help, support and light if you stay positive in spite of hardships  (Help Quotes)
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