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Living your life is a long and doggy business... And stories and books help. Some help you with the living itself. Some help you just take a break. The best do both at the same time  (Help Quotes) You cannot protect the environment unless you empower people, you inform them, and you help them understand that these resources are their own, that they must protect them  (Help Quotes) Teaching my kids to give back is an essential part of parenting. It’s not something that’s optional. Compassion is one of the basic values that I want my children to have: that if they see a need, whether it’s around the corner or thousands of miles of away, they should feel motivated to do whatever they can to help  (Help Quotes) I wake up in the morning asking myself what can I do today, how can I help the world today. I believe in what I do beyond a shadow of a doubt. I gave my word to this tree and to all the people that my feet would not touch the ground until I had done everything in my power to make the world aware of this problem and to stop the destruction  (Help Quotes) It’s never enough to just tell people about some new insight. Rather, you have to get them to experience it a way that evokes its power and possibility. Instead of pouring knowledge into people’s heads, you need to help them grind anew set of eyeglasses so they can see the world in a new way  (Help Quotes) How could any entrepreneur, confronted by such amazing opportunities to help transform the world and to do so with such extraordinary colleagues, be tempted to lose focus? Especially since the work involves such breadth that the boredom of routine or specialization does not exist  (Help Quotes) It would be rare to find a woman who hadn’t endured some kind of ridicule for stepping out of line. When the market dictates that a woman’s value is primarily attached to her looks and deferential behaviour, it’s the threat of sexually degrading insults that help to keep her in check  (Help Quotes) I’ve always believed fitness is an entry point to help you build that happier, healthier life. When your health is strong, you’re capable of taking risks. You’ll feel more confident to ask for the promotion. You’ll have more energy to be a better mom. You’ll feel more deserving of love  (Help Quotes) Don’t shut down your emotions. Embrace them. Your emotions are your internal compass telling you whether or not you are on track. Use them to help cultivate your passions or motivate you to change situations and circumstances that hold you back from achieving your goals  (Help Quotes) I could not help concluding this man had the most supreme pleasure while he was driven so fast and so smoothly by the sea  (Help Quotes) I’ve never really focused on if I had good habits when I sang or if I had bad habits, or if I was breathing correctly. So, I started doing vocal exercises and would stretch out before I sang, stuff to help my breathing. It’s funny, you breathe your whole life then you find out you’re not doing it correctly  (Help Quotes) People with mental problems are our neighbors. They are members of our congregations, members of our families; they are everywhere in this country. If we ignore their cries for help, we will be continuing to participate in the anguish from which those cries for help come. A problem of this magnitude will not go away. Because it will not go away, and because of our spiritual commitments, we are compelled to take action  (Help Quotes) In order to really understand, we need to listen, not reply. We need to listen long and attentively. In order to help anybody to open his heart we have to give him time, asking only a few questions, as carefully as possible in order to help him better explain his experience  (Help Quotes) When men drink, then they are rich and successful and win lawsuits and are happy and help their friends. Quickly, bring me a beaker of wine, so that I may wet my mind and say something clever  (Help Quotes) We are reviewing our experience to enable us to respond to the cultural challenge: to help countries, communities and individuals interpret universal principles, translate them into culturally sensitive terms and design programmes based on them, programmes that people can really feel are their own  (Help Quotes) Some people come into our lives and they move our souls to sing and make our spirits dance. They help us to see that everything on earth is part of the incredibility of life... and that it is always there for us to take of its joy. Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never ever the same  (Help Quotes) When we stop to count our blessings rather than focusing on our predicament, our attitude will be able to help us cope with our situation more productively  (Help Quotes) Not only are squats not bad for the knees, every legitimate research study on this subject has shown that squats improve knee stability and therefore help reduce the risk of injuries  (Help Quotes) We hang out, we help one another, we tell one another our worst fears and biggest secrets, and then just like real sisters, we listen and don’t judge  (Help Quotes) If love is truly a verb, if help is a verb, if forgiveness is a verb, if kindness is a verb, then you can do something about it  (Help Quotes) The best way to help people to maximize their creative potential is to allow them to do something they love  (Help Quotes) Life is a conspiracy to shower you with a nonstop feast of interesting experiences, all of which are designed to help you grow your intelligence, shed your pretensions, and master the art of ingenious love  (Help Quotes) Civilization no longer needs to open up wilderness; it needs wilderness to help open up the still largely unexplored human mind  (Help Quotes) Poverty, I realized, wasn’t only a lack of financial resources; it was isolation from the kind of people that could help you make more of yourself  (Help Quotes) As for inflicting our sorrow on other people, one does not want to go around blathering and crying all the time. But perhaps it is our gift to others to trust them enough to share our feelings with them. It may help them deal with some of their own  (Help Quotes) Being unhappy means... Even if you want to love, because of a scar, you can’t. Even though you don’t want to be alone, because of that scar, you can’t help but be alone. Even in bright sunshine, alone, you feel like you are lost in dark darkness  (Help Quotes) Meaning can only be understood in relation to its environment. Therefore, the words only make full sense in context... There are no absolutes, there is no meaning without relationships, everything is not only interacting but interdependent. The kahunas use this idea to help give a person a powerfully secure sense of significance, while at the same time teaching him that to heal himself is to heal the world, and to heal the world is to heal himself. This is not a loss of individuality, but an understanding that individuality itself is a relationship with the environment  (Help Quotes) The librarian, the warrior, the free spirit... archetypes are a great jumping off point to help clarify where we want to go with a character  (Help Quotes) Therapy is about every kids nightmare when people are telling you that you need to get help but all you really want is a hug  (Help Quotes) We must not put pressure on people, but by providing information on the population and the environments, and appropriate contraception for everyone... doctors should help bring family size into the arena of environmental ethics, analogous to avoiding patio heaters and high carbon cars  (Help Quotes)
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