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It’s true that we can’t help the circumstances we’re born into and some of us start out in a much tougher place than other people. But just because we started there doesn’t mean we have to end there  (Help Quotes) You want to provide as many opportunities and help rural schools as much as you can. But you can’t do it at the risk of affecting any of the quality standards and educational opportunities for any child, regardless of where they live and regardless of what the size of their school is  (Help Quotes) Propaganda will never die out. Intelligent men must realize that propaganda is the modern instrument by which they can fight for productive ends and help to bring order out of chaos  (Help Quotes) Try to be happy within the context of the life we are actually living. Happiness is not a situation to be longed for or a convergence of lucky happenstance. Through the power of our own minds, we can help ourselves  (Help Quotes) You’ve got 3 minutes to tell the world something. Are you going to talk to them about being wasted in your front yard because you couldn’t park your car, or are you going to talk to someone about something that could actually help them?  (Help Quotes) Children are coming to school with trauma, everyday trauma, that they live under: violence in the homes, alcoholism in the community, unemployment thats 80 percent, not just during the recession. We need to help treat that before they can even go sit in a class and learn about math  (Help Quotes) Only free time, imagination, creativity, and an ability to disappear will help you deliver value that nobody ever delivered before in the history of mankind  (Help Quotes) Love has an immense ability to help heal the devastating wounds that life sometimes deals us. Love also enhances our sense of connection to the larger world. Loving responsiveness is the foundation of a truly compassionate, civilized society  (Help Quotes) My teaching influences who you are and who you become, I said, because insofar as I persuade you to change what you know, I can’t help but persuade you to change who you are. A vast portion of who you are just is a matter of what you know  (Help Quotes) I’ve always liked edges, places where one thing becomes another…… transition zones, boundaries and borderlands. I like the mixing that happens, the juxtapositions, the collisions and connections. I like the way they help me see the world from a fresh angle  (Help Quotes) Alot of people think they’re born for themselves; I don’t think that. Ibelieve that we’re here to help other people all the way through  (Help Quotes) People may resist our advice, spurn our appeals, reject our suggestions, refuse our help, but they are powerless against our prayers  (Help Quotes) The job of a good ally is not to save anybody but rather to help create the conditions under which people can assert and grow their own power  (Help Quotes) To excel is to reach your own highest dream. But you must also help others, where and when you can, to reach theirs. Personal gain is empty if you do not feel you have positively touched another’s life  (Help Quotes) From what I’ve been able to figure out, all of us are here together and we need one another. We must celebrate each other’s differences. Learning to ask for help is as important as learning the value of helping other people. I believe all the people in my life have been there for a reason, and I hope I have been in theirs for a reason as well. It’s taken me a while, but I feel truly blessed. After all is said and done, I love life, I love people, and I love being me  (Help Quotes) It is a happy circumstance that when nature gives us true burning desires, she also gives us the means to satisfy them. Those who want to win and lack skill can get someone with skill to help them  (Help Quotes) As a younger person, my philosophy was jump off a cliff. I realize now that there are stairs and elevators. I am learning every day to allow the space between where I am and where I want to be to inspire me and not terrify me. I can even ask for help! Not feeling that I have to know everything, and that’s where the growth comes in, in the not knowing  (Help Quotes) Giving cancer to laboratory animals has not and will not help us to understand the disease or to treat those persons suffering from it  (Help Quotes) Focusing on the good isn’t just about overcoming our inner grump to see the glass half full. It’s about opening our minds to the ideas and opportunities that will help us be more productive, effective, and successful at work and in life  (Help Quotes) When it’s all said and done I would like to look back and think that I help to make modelling a possibility for a greater number of people. I don’t do things that I will regret in the future. I tend to err on the side of caution. Not to mention the fact that the present world I reside in would not have been possible without my past. I am most proud of being able to represent my family and community with honour and dignity  (Help Quotes) It was about finding the sacred within myself, my center, my peaceful core. We each have a sacred space within us, a part of us. This sacred space is a temple, a temple to our inner power, our intuition, and our connection with the divine. Discovery of psychic powers, spells, and meditation are all things that lead us to the temple. They help us find the road within and walk our path to the inner temple  (Help Quotes) If a person is stupid, we excuse him by saying that he cannot help it; but if we attempted to excuse in precisely the same way the person who is bad, we should be laughed at  (Help Quotes) There are no coincidences. Every event we experience and every person we meet has intentionally been put in our path to help raise our level of consciousness  (Help Quotes) When you believe, the impossible becomes possible. What you believe will become what is true. Your optimism today will determine your level of success tomorrow. Don’t look at your challenges; look up and look out into the future. Don’t focus on your circumstances. Focus on the right beliefs that will help you build your success  (Help Quotes) We’ve been there and come back. When you fall in the pit, people are supposed to help you up. But you have to get up on your own. We’ll take your arms, but you have to get your legs underneath you and stand  (Help Quotes) Sometimes healing comes after helping someone that is going through the same trauma you went through. Help yourself by helping others  (Help Quotes) That’s one of the things books do. They help us talk. But they also give us something we all can talk about when we don’t want to talk about ourselves  (Help Quotes) When an editor works with an author, she cannot help seeing into the medicine cabinet of his soul. All the terrible emotions, the desire for vindications, the paranoia, and the projection are bottled in there, along with all the excesses of envy, desire for revenge, all the hypochondriacal responses, rituals, defenses, and the twin obsessions with sex and money. It other words, the stuff of great books  (Help Quotes) Asking for advice about what you should write is a little like asking for help getting dressed. I can you tell you what I think looks good, but you have to wear it. And as every fashion victim knows, very few people look good in everything  (Help Quotes) The material of typography is the black, and it is the designer’s task with the help of this black to capture space, to create harmonious whites inside the letters as well as between them  (Help Quotes)
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