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So, it’s important for us to acknowledge that we’re prone to be conservative, and in turn surround ourselves with individuals who will help break down our conservatism  (Help Quotes) There was a time when my whole life was in chaos, really, and I didn’t help myself sort it out. But one day I came to my senses, and I think I was lucky because a lot of people don’t  (Help Quotes) I think you should use whatever power you have to try to help people who need your help. Then we’d all be happy. Instead there’s this bizarre notion the government propounds that we should all run around selfishly acquiring money. I just don’t understand that  (Help Quotes) No one is so rich that he does not need another’s help; no one so poor as not to be useful in some way to his fellow man; and the disposition to ask assistance from others with confidence and to grant it with kindness is part of our very nature  (Help Quotes) Creativity runs on automatic, no matter what’s happening in other parts of my life. I can’t help myself. It’s been in me, and it evolves in me over the years. It’s a condition in me  (Help Quotes) I will continue to help the political causes I believe in in any way I can  (Help Quotes) If my kids decide to be actors and really, truly love it and are passionate about it, then I would definitely want to help them along their way, but it’s a tough business  (Help Quotes) My husband’s a stunt man, and he dragged me to stunt driving school with him because I hate driving and he felt that it would help to make me feel more comfortable. And it did in certain ways, and in certain ways I’m still not  (Help Quotes) Sometimes, we are dealing with our own troubles and feel that we don’t have the resources to help one another. Or simply, we just don’t know what to do  (Help Quotes) Since scarcity is the basic economic problem, if it does not exist then there is no reason for my economics course. Devoting time to the study of how people use limited resources to fulfill unlimited wants and needs should help us to discover how to best utilize the resources we have at our disposal  (Help Quotes) I hope in my books I help children to see their strengths, and show them I have some idea of what they may occasionally be going through. Especially at tricky moments when it is easier to go back and evade things rather than go forwards and confront them  (Help Quotes) If one of my boys was asking me if they should go into politics, I’d say there’s only one reason to go into public life and that’s to help people  (Help Quotes) I’m not that comfortable with actors receiving honours, partly because I think they ought to go to those who really help others  (Help Quotes) The truth in acting is that we are all hired help. We are a commodity. There is no difference between being an actor and pork bellies  (Help Quotes) I think every good song tells a story, as ambiguous and vague as it may be. And if you know what a song is talking about, it can only help your performance  (Help Quotes) Writing on your own is, in a way, a very lonely profession. There’s no one there to help you  (Help Quotes) As a youngster in the projects, I definitely didn’t have anything. So if you get something, you want to be able to give back and help others  (Help Quotes) I used to help my grandfather on the farm, driving tractors, raising crops and animals. I used to feed some of the baby cows and pigs, and I had to be no older than 7 or 8. Then at about 9 or 10 I started driving tractors. It showed me at an early age what hard work was all about and how dedicated you have to be, no matter what you do  (Help Quotes) If we want to boost border security, we have to help law enforcement agencies beef up their resources to meet this demand. We cannot have one without the other  (Help Quotes) It has always been the role of government to help solve problems, including and especially health crises. Obesity is a health epidemic across our country, and we have a responsibility as a government and a society to do all we can to promote good nutrition and healthy eating so we can reverse this alarming trend  (Help Quotes) The director is the ultimate creative arbiter of what’s going to happen. And as a director myself, you really appreciate collaborating with people who are trying to help you find what you need and what you want  (Help Quotes) You know what I have noticed? And this is really sad. Flying first class is less scary than flying coach. They speak to you and they’re so nice to you and they want to help you and they know you want a drink before the plane takes off. And they bring it to you without asking. If you’re sitting in coach and hoping for a drink, good luck  (Help Quotes) As obvious as it sounds, I strongly recommend shopping at a specialty bike store. They are the experts, and they will be able to help you decide which bike is best for you  (Help Quotes) After my first day of competition I put on compression socks. They help me recover for the next day  (Help Quotes) For me, it seems to help me take the pressure off if I don’t pay attention to what other people are telling me  (Help Quotes) I am comfortable giving people direction. If something is not good enough, my job is to find a way to help them learn from their mistake, and understand that next time I expect better  (Help Quotes) Wikipedia was a big help for science, especially science communication, and it shows no sign of diminishing in importance  (Help Quotes) I try to make myself do things for other people when I’m feeling down. Like, you can call your local hospital and help out in the pediatric unit  (Help Quotes) Fly me high through the starry skies or maybe to an astral plane, cross the highways of fantasy, help me to forget today’s pain  (Help Quotes) I can imagine you touching my private parts. With just the thought of you I can’t help, but touch myself  (Help Quotes)
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