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You can run for cover, you can run for help. You can run to your lover, but you can’t ever run from yourself  (Help Quotes) I’m going to give away a lot more than half my money. I’d be happy to give that to the government if the government put together programs that were like I’m giving away to charity, in which I believe the money is effectively used to help people  (Help Quotes) I feel like I’m capable of doing so many things to help people around the country and the world  (Help Quotes) Being a single mother was the right thing for me. But I have a tremendous amount of help from my friends. They’re in love with my kids, and my kids are in love with them  (Help Quotes) I really can’t help what someone thinks of me because they are reading a paper and choosing to believe it  (Help Quotes) If there are rules and regulations, I can’t help it, I want to break them  (Help Quotes) Commercial success still hasn’t come to an artist that isn’t signed to a record label. There are very few artists that can succeed without the help of a record label. The role of the record label is still required, it’s still necessary  (Help Quotes) First of all, I love singing. I mean, I get out of bed and I sing. I can’t help it  (Help Quotes) Growing up in a house of five girls, I couldn’t help but glance at a fashion magazine or two  (Help Quotes) I’m human. But overall, whenever I see anyone being made fun of or given a hard time, I rush to their defense. I want to help them because I know how it feels  (Help Quotes) I believe that young people are looking for answers to the big questions just like everyone else, and that they respect intelligent comment to help guide them through tough times  (Help Quotes) I’m a sucker for giving people money on the street. I don’t know if it’s a good or a bad thing, but I can’t help myself  (Help Quotes) It’s not government that creates jobs; it’s small business. Our job is to make sure they have the access to capital, the access to contracting opportunities, and the help, advice and mentoring that they need to go out and be successful  (Help Quotes) And just about the time I feel like screaming and finding me a wall to punch right through, I look up and I just can’t help smiling, it’s you  (Help Quotes) Moon appears to shine and light the sky with the help of some fireflies, wonder how they have the power to shine?  (Help Quotes) You know, everyone is always talking about plastic surgery, or the technology, what to do. I really think it’s important to help yourself with the technology if you want to feel better, but I am absolutely against any kind of monstrous cuts of the body, lifting that is beyond recognition, this kind of stuff  (Help Quotes) I’d like to help repair the earth’s ecosystems, and to fully live until I’m fully dead  (Help Quotes) In our education system, we are taught to munch figures and remember them for lifetime. But does it help? We are not taught how to make decisions  (Help Quotes) Sometimes, if you really don’t know how you feel about a topic, reading how both sides argue it can help  (Help Quotes) I’m taking memory power boost tablets to help me every day and doing the puzzles to help me stay focused  (Help Quotes) To me, football is so much about mental toughness, it’s digging deep, it’s doing whatever you need to do to help a team win and that comes in a lot of shapes and forms  (Help Quotes) Texas has done a very good job of securing their borders with the help of the federal government. California has done a good job  (Help Quotes) It’s in everyone’s best interest to help close the gender gap in the sciences  (Help Quotes) The cynic finds love with the idealist. The rebel with the conformist. The social butterfly with the bookworm. They help each other balance their lives  (Help Quotes) The fact is, unlike a lot of writers, I credit the people who help me. A lot of writers out there have a ton of researchers and they don’t get credited in the book  (Help Quotes) Children can’t help but create: they need to put their mind on the page, they want to paint, to sculpt, to write short stories  (Help Quotes) What you discover when you look at creativity from the perspective of the brain is that it is universal. We’re all creative all of the time, we can’t help but be creative  (Help Quotes) What I learned from 9/11 that is really important, first and foremost, you have to motivate all the workers and understand that they’ve left their families to help clean up a pretty awful situation. Every time you have an emergency management situation, it’s all about teamwork  (Help Quotes) I think that’s an important lesson for young people who want to be artists: You have to find someone who believes in you and who will help you find that time where you don’t have to think about a job but just making work. If I didn’t have those people in my life, I wouldn’t be in the position I’m in  (Help Quotes) When you speak in another accent, it affects you. You can’t help but be changed by it  (Help Quotes)
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