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There’s always someone to help, there’s always some way in which you can perfect yourself through service to others  (Help Quotes) Well, yes, I could give up for myself but no, there are others whom I will be able to help and they’re waiting for me and if I don’t complete my task, if I don’t do this perfectly, then what about them? They’ll suffer  (Help Quotes) Selfless giving is love in action. Initially you will feel that you should help in a certain way, with a certain result. Do your best, but don’t be concerned with results; do it for the infinite  (Help Quotes) One of the greatest forms of success is to be able to help others accomplish their own success  (Help Quotes) Probably more than half of the people who go into psychology do so because they need help. I think it’s their way of feeling that they have control  (Help Quotes) The only way I can experience my life as meaningless is to work as hard as I possibly can to tell myself it has no meaning. At a deeper level of reality, my life can’t help but have meaning, because everything is continually unfolding, and I am connected into that unfolding in ways that I can’t even imagine  (Help Quotes) When you do things for the right reasons, eventually no matter how long it takes, people will take notice of it and can’t help but respect it  (Help Quotes) The fact that I get to live a life of passion where I’m doing only things that I love in this world and help people along the way. Life’s good. I always remind myself of that  (Help Quotes) Most people are one car wreck away from needing somebody’s help. So, I don’t take anything for granted much anymore  (Help Quotes) If I see a chick playing guitar, I’m drawn to that band immediately. I want to know everything, even if it’s completely electronic. But you have to really get my attention if you’re male. I can’t help it. It’s part of my nature  (Help Quotes) When I think about popular culture, I can’t help but think that we’re living in the age of loneliness. There’s this illusion that we all have instant access to each other, but we actually have no real connection  (Help Quotes) Being able to step outside of yourself in order to help someone else is why we’re all here, it’s what we should all be doing if we can  (Help Quotes) The rush and pressure of modern life are a form, perhaps the most common form, of contemporary violence. To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands, to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything, is to succumb to violence. The frenzy of our activity neutralizes our work for peace. It destroys our own inner capacity for peace. It destroys the fruitfulness of our own work, because it kills the root of inner wisdom which makes work fruitful  (Help Quotes) When we ignore the prostituted child, we actually lend our hand to their abuse. When we ignore the widow and the orphan in their distress, we actually add to their pain. When we ignore the slave who remains captive, it’s us who is entrapping them. When we forget the refugee, it’s actually us who is displacing them. When we choose not to help the poor and the needy, we actually rob them. Perhaps the only fair thing to say is that when we forsake the lives of others, we actually forsake our own  (Help Quotes) We can often better help another by fanning a glimmer of goodness than by censuring his faults  (Help Quotes) For your friends and family, you are always a champion, but for the media and sponsors, not until you show a spark. Making a champ is more important than celebrating one. I want to be there for youngsters and help them do their best  (Help Quotes) Earth magic can help to sort out, work through and solve many of the minor crises and problems facing us as individuals today. True, it is not a simple solution to the world’s problems, but it can bring order into our lives, and that’s a good start  (Help Quotes) Rules help govern and steer a relationship along, so they’re good things. But they become bad things when they become the narrow gate though which the relationship must always pass. When this happens, the rules become the basis for the relationship and, in a sense, become a substitute for the relationship  (Help Quotes) The relative ease of most driving lures us into thinking we can get away with doing other things. Indeed, those other things, like listening to the radio, can help when driving itself is threatening to cause fatigue. But we buy into the myth of multitasking with little actual knowledge of how much we can really add in or, as with the television news, how much we are missing. As the inner life of the driver begins to come into focus, it is becoming clear not only that distraction is the single biggest problem on the road but that we have little concept of just how distracted we are  (Help Quotes) One day, I just thought, if you see a bird with a broken leg, you really have the urge to do something about it and help the bird, then at the same time you go to a restaurant and eat a chicken or something. It doesn’t make any sense  (Help Quotes) The scientific method is designed to help investigators overcome the most entrenched human cognitive habit: the confirmation bias, the tendency to notice and remember evidence that confirms our beliefs or decisions, and to ignore, dismiss, or forget evidence that is discrepant. That’s why we are all inclined to stick to a hypothesis we believe in. Science is one way of forcing us, kicking and screaming if necessary, to modify our views  (Help Quotes) One of the greatest gifts a caring teacher can contribute to children is to help them learn to sit when they feel like running, to raise their hand when they feel like talking, to be polite to their neighbor, to stand in line without pushing, and to do their homework when they feel like playing. By introducing procedures in the classroom, you are also introducing procedures as a way of living a happy and successful life  (Help Quotes) What the color is, who the daddy be, who the mama is don’t mean nothin’. We family, carin’ for each other. Family make us strong in times of trouble. We all stick together, help each other out. That the real meanin’ of family. When you grow up, you take that family feelin’ with you  (Help Quotes) A lot of my humor centers on the act of telling jokes and I think this can prevent certain audiences from suspending their feeling of disbelief. It might piss a few people off, but I can’t help it  (Help Quotes) The good we do to others is spoilt unless we efface ourselves so completely that those we help have no sense of inferiority  (Help Quotes) Knowing the cause of something is not going to help you to be free of it  (Help Quotes) How can one be compassionate if you belong to any religion, follow any guru, believe in something, believe in your scriptures, and so on, attached to a conclusion? When you accept your guru, you have come to a conclusion, or when you strongly believe in God or in a saviour, this or that, can there be compassion? You may do social work, help the poor out of pity, out of sympathy, out of charity, but is all that love and compassion?  (Help Quotes) Fortune has been considered the guardian divinity of fools; and, on this score, she has been accused of blindness; but it should rather be adduced as a proof of her sagacity, when she helps those who cannot help themselves  (Help Quotes) People waiting for an elevator don’t know what to do, standing with strangers. There is nothing to do. Its an uneasy time. Some press the button repeatedly as though it would help  (Help Quotes) Science, math and engineering can give you the exhilarating power to become not mere spectators or consumers, but the active explorers, makers and doers who will help invent the future  (Help Quotes)
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