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Let people catch something from your heart that will cause no discomfort, but help them to sing  (Help Quotes) To care for another person, in the most significant sense, is to help him grow and actualize himself  (Help Quotes) No man living in a world as interesting as this ever writes a book if he can help it  (Help Quotes) We live in an age where people are kind of a bit obsessed with celebrity and stuff. You can’t help but be curious about it  (Help Quotes) It would be virtually impossible to finance wars without taxing the people, and the welfare system would be limited because there wouldn’t be enough money in the bank to sustain it as it is, and that would help prices stay under control  (Help Quotes) I take solace in knowing that some of the steps I took can help other people  (Help Quotes) In the long run, the aggressive civilizations destroy themselves, almost always. It’s their nature. They can’t help it  (Help Quotes) Music loud, I can’t help but wiggle a bit and I think that movement finds its way into the paintings... I can see it in the strokes  (Help Quotes) You need to change your mind from sell sell sell to help help help and if you can do that as a business you will win in social media  (Help Quotes) Mapping out your own future in the form of images, phrases, and inspirational words that you are able to see every day will help reinforce your desires to attain what you set out to achieve  (Help Quotes) If you need help or advice, ask for it, but don’t worry too much about hurting other people’s feelings by not doing what they say. If your gut says no, trust it. Do what seems right  (Help Quotes) Continue practice into everyday life with a single meditation, always keeping in mind the intention to help others in all activities, eating, dressing, sleeping, walking, or sitting  (Help Quotes) I believe it’s extremely important to include some other type of fitness activity in your training, so cross training will help you to avoid injury when you are dancing  (Help Quotes) I don’t think there’s a conflation between somebody’s personal wealth and whether they should run for office or not, assuming that they’re not actually pursuing policies that help them make a lot of money  (Help Quotes) I want to take care of people. I want to help people. The maximum joy that I have is when I can create something that makes someone else’s life lighter, brighter, or better  (Help Quotes) You need to be empathetic in your own personal life and we help our neighbors and our friends out who are struggling in our neighborhoods. But we don’t make bad decisions based on empathy  (Help Quotes) There’s not much that I’m closed off about, and the universe gave me all that so I could help people feel like they don’t have to be something they’re not or feel like they have to fake happy. There’s nothing worse than being fake happy  (Help Quotes) No man is an island. You can ask people for help and they can ask for your help in return  (Help Quotes) I believe that with great wealth comes great responsibility, a responsibility to give back to society and a responsibility to see that those resources are put to work in the best possible way to help those most in need  (Help Quotes) I’m on a mission to help people grow and give. The more they grow the more they can give, the more life they build, the greater the quality of their life  (Help Quotes) If you get called on to help somebody pull focus to some good cause, that’s good use of your fame. I don’t try to avoid that  (Help Quotes) If you could help millions of people, you can certainly make millions of dollars. I try to influence everyone I know to be a giver because the person that benefits most by giving is the giver  (Help Quotes) I like to be a team player. All the projects I do are collaborations. And I want to solicit the opinions and help of other people. I’m not interested in being the one in charge  (Help Quotes) I’ve come out of seeing death and chosen to focus on the life that’s sprouting everywhere, like flowers. And I want to help feed the flowers  (Help Quotes) Rather than listening to music while you paint, listen to the sort of wisdom that can help grow your career  (Help Quotes) The objective laws of form and color help to strengthen a person’s powers and to expand his creative gift  (Help Quotes) The world needs to listen to the cry of the earth, which is asking for help. If you carry on killing people and you continue to destroy nature and you take out all the oil, the minerals and the wood, our planet will become ill and we’ll all die  (Help Quotes) The mere knowledge of secrets will not help the amateur conjurer very far on the road to success  (Help Quotes) Technology is only an enabler, which can help achieve the intention of the person who is using it  (Help Quotes) If you honestly know how you help people, then you should become passionate about sharing it, spread the good news, give everyone a chance to share in the solutions that you can provide  (Help Quotes)
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