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A man’s dignity isn’t measured by the people he has around him when he’s at the peak of his success, but by his ability not to forget those who helped him when his need was greatest  (Helped Quotes) I have had the good fortune to see how my articles have directly benefited some farmers and helped build markets for their products in a way that preserves land from development. That makes me a hopeless optimist  (Helped Quotes) They need help, and we have helped, and we are here to help. And we are helping, and we’re going to continue to help  (Helped Quotes) I feel really grateful to the people who encouraged me and helped me develop. Nobody can succeed on their own  (Helped Quotes) When I was growing up, my mother would take me to plays and museums, and we’d talk about life. Those times helped shape who I became  (Helped Quotes) There is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance  (Helped Quotes) They that will not be counseled, cannot be helped. If you do not hear reason she will rap you on the knuckles  (Helped Quotes) I like to think the price I paid by being open about my private life helped  (Helped Quotes) There is almost no marital problem that can’t be helped enormously by taking off your clothes  (Helped Quotes) How true it is that our destinies are decided by nothings and that a small imprudence helped by some insignificant accident, as an acorn is fertilized by a drop of rain, may raise the trees on which perhaps we and others shall be crucified  (Helped Quotes) I discovered a long time ago that if I helped people get what they wanted, I would always get what I wanted and would never have to worry  (Helped Quotes) A lot of people my age, they grew up with me onscreen. I think that’s helped keep a certain amount of longevity. When you grow up with a person, you feel like you know them  (Helped Quotes) To remember my values, I need to lose certain tastes and find other handles for the memories that they once helped me carry  (Helped Quotes) You want to give me chocolate and flowers? That would be great. I love them both. I just don’t want them out of guilt, and I don’t want them if you’re not going to give them to all the people who helped mother our children  (Helped Quotes) I’m proud of everything I do, but I think I’m the most happy about becoming a rapper. It was my entrance into everything. That helped me get into acting  (Helped Quotes) A bunch of liberals wanted to outlaw men gazing at women because the gaze was said to objectify women. Sorry, liberals, it can’t be helped among the heterosexual crowd  (Helped Quotes) It’s flattering to people who stop you and say that you’ve helped them and all. But, again, you know, you’ve got to stay humble because as quick as you came up, you can come down  (Helped Quotes) My mother and father had so many ups and downs and stayed with each other and helped each other. My mother took in ironing and she was a waitress. My father was working in the factory and he did people’s tax returns  (Helped Quotes) I shook my tambourine the whole time, because it helped me remember that even though I was going through different neighborhoods, I was still me  (Helped Quotes) For years I felt that being respectable meant maintaining a sinister complacency, and the disreputable freedom I sought helped make me a writer  (Helped Quotes) Bod quite liked crows. He thought they were funny and he liked the way they helped to keep the graveyard tidy  (Helped Quotes) Some people have written that my writing has helped them go on. It has helped me too. The writing, the roses, the 9 cats  (Helped Quotes) Even mocking people helped their face stats. In the reputation economy, the only real way to hurt anyone was to ignore them completely. And it was pretty hard to ignore someone who made your blood boil  (Helped Quotes) Throughout my life my greatest benefactors have been my travels and my dreams. Very few men, living or dead, have helped me in my struggles  (Helped Quotes) In retrospect, perhaps the biggest reason my mother was cared for but not helped for twenty years was the simplest: Her functioning was not that necessary to the world  (Helped Quotes) For a while, I thought I was going mad. At last, I became reconciled to my despair. The medications helped, too, I thought, sir  (Helped Quotes) The important people in our lives leave imprints. They may stay or go in the physical realm, but they are always there in your heart, because they helped form your heart. There’s no getting over that  (Helped Quotes) Cheating is a sin, but honest cunning is simply prudence. It is a virtue. To be sure, it has a likeness to roguery, but that cannot be helped. He who has not learned to practice it is a fool  (Helped Quotes) Because in most cases, I believe that people deserve a second chance. And because I couldn’t have lived with myself if I’d stood by and let them both die souless, when I could have helped  (Helped Quotes) As I drifted off to sleep, I could hear him breathing, and that definitely helped me relax  (Helped Quotes)
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