Henry David Thoreau Quotes

Text Quotes
Our village life would stagnate if it were not for the unexplored forests and meadows which surround it (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
There have been some nations who could do nothing but construct tombs, and these are the only traces which they have left. They are the heathen (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
For the most part we stupidly confound one man with another. The dull distinguish only races or nations, or at most classes, but the wise man, individuals (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
You may raise enough money to tunnel a mountain, but you cannot raise money enough to hire a man who is minding his own business (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
We are a nation of politicians, concerned about the outmost defenses only of freedom. It is our children’s children who may perchance be really free (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
There is something servile in the habit of seeking after a law which we may obey. We may study the laws of matter at and for our convenience, but a successful life knows no law (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
The man who takes the liberty to live is superior to all the laws, by virtue of his relation to the lawmaker (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
The true finish is the work of time, and the use to which a thing is put. The elements are still polishing the pyramids (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
So far as my experience goes, travelers generally exaggerate the difficulties of the way. Like most evil, the difficulty is imaginary; for what’s the hurry? (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
He may travel who can subsist on the wild fruits and game of the most cultivated country (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
I suspect that, if you should go to the end of the world, you would find somebody there going farther, as if just starting for home at sundown, and having a last word before he drove off (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
Far travel, very far travel, or travail, comes near to the worth of staying at home (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
Roads are made for horses and men of business. I do not travel in them much (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
The past is only so heroic as we see it. It is the canvas on which our idea of heroism is painted, and so, in one sense, the dim prospectus of our future field (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
Be not anxious to avoid poverty. In this way the wealth of the universe may be securely invested (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
Some show their kindness to the poor by employing them in their kitchens. Would they not be kinder if they employed themselves there? (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
It is pitiful when a man bears a name for convenience merely, who has earned neither name nor fame (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
In dreams we see ourselves naked and acting out our real characters, even more clearly than we see others awake (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
In our daily intercourse with men, our nobler faculties are dormant and suffered to rust. None will pay us the compliment to expect nobleness from us. Though we have gold to give, they demand only copper (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
Our vices always lie in the direction of our virtues, and in their best estate are but plausible imitations of the latter (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
The outward is only the outside of that which is within. Men are not concealed under habits, but are revealed by them; they are their true clothes (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
I could not undertake to form a nucleus of an institution for the development of infant minds, where none already existed. It would be too cruel (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
Our poets have sung of wine, the product of a foreign plant which commonly they never saw, as if our own plants had no juice in them more than the singers (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
If one hesitates in his path, let him not proceed. Let him respect his doubts, for doubts, too, may have some divinity in them (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
The most domestic cat, which has lain on a rug all her days, appears quite at home in the woods, and, by her sly and stealthy behavior, proves herself more native there than the regular inhabitants (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
My spirits infallibly rise in proportion to the outward dreariness. Give me the ocean, the desert, or the wilderness! (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
Translate a book a dozen times from one language to another, and what becomes of its style? Most books would be worn out and disappear in this ordeal. The pen which wrote it is soon destroyed, but the poem survives (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
So easy is it, though many housekeepers doubt it, to establish new and better customs in the place of the old (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
For the most part we allow only outlying and transient circumstances to make our occasions. They are, in fact, the cause of our distraction (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)
There are some things which a man never speaks of, which are much finer kept silent about. To the highest communications we only lend a silent ear (Henry David Thoreau Quotes)