Henry Hazlitt Quotes
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Text Quotes
The ideas which now pass for brilliant innovations and advances are in fact mere revivals of ancient errors, and a further proof of the dictum that those who are ignorant of the past are condemned to repeat it (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
The mounting burden of taxation not only undermines individual incentives to increased work and earnings, but in a score of ways discourages capital accumulation and distorts, unbalances, and shrinks production. Total real wealth and income is made smaller than it would otherwise be. On net balance there is more poverty rather than less (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
A man with a scant vocabulary will almost certainly be a weak thinker. The richer and more copious one’s vocabulary and the greater one’s awareness of fine distinctions and subtle nuances of meaning, the more fertile and precise is likely to be one’s thinking. Knowledge of things and knowledge of the words for them grow together. If you do not know the words, you can hardly know the thing (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
.. either immediately or ultimately every dollar of government spending must be raised through a dollar of taxation. Once we look at the matter. In this way, the supposed miracles of government spending will appear in another light (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
The times call for courage. The times call for hard work. But if the demands are high, it is because the stakes are even higher. They are nothing less than the future of human liberty, which means the future of civilization (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
It is often sadly remarked that the bad economists present their errors to the public better than the good economists present their truths. It is often complained that demagogues can be more plausible in putting forward economic nonsense from the platform than the honest men who try to show what is wrong with it (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
The larger the percentage of the national income taken by taxes the greater the deterrent to private production and employment. When the total tax burden grows beyond a bearable size, the problem of devising taxes that will not discourage and disrupt production becomes insoluble (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
From a strictly economic point of view, buying gold in a major inflation and holding it probably presents the least risk of capital loss of any investment or speculation (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
The great merit of gold is precisely that it is scarce; that its quantity is limited by nature; that it is costly to discover, to mine, and to process; and that it cannot be created by political fiat or caprice (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
A certain amount of taxes is of course indispensable to carry on essential government functions. Reasonable taxes for this purpose need not hurt production much (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
The superior freedom of the capitalist system, its superior justice, and its superior productivity are not three superiorities, but one. The justice follows from the freedom and the productivity follows from the freedom and the justice (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
If a government resorts to inflation, that is, creates money in order to cover its budget deficits or expands credit in order to stimulate business, then no power on earth, no gimmick, device, trick or even indexation can prevent its economic consequences (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
Capitalism will continue to eliminate mass poverty in more and more places and to an increasingly marked extent if it is merely permitted to do so (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
The government has nothing to give to anybody that it doesn’t first take from someone else (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
For every alleged benefit that the politicians confer upon us, they must necessarily deprive us of something else (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
The first requisite of a sound monetary system is that it put the least possible power over the quantity or quality of money in the hands of the politicians (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
We cannot distribute more wealth than is created. We cannot in the long run pay labor as a whole more than it produces (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
There is a strange idea aboard, held by all monetary cranks, that credit is something a banker gives to a man. Credit, on the contrary, is something a man already has. He has it, perhaps, because he already has marketable assets of a greater cash value than the loan for which he is asking. Or he has it because his character and past record have earned it. He brings it into the bank with him. That is why the banker makes him the loan (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
In order that one industry might grow or come into existence, a hundred other industries would have to shrink (Henry Hazlitt Quotes)
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