Henry Rollins Quotes

Text Quotes
I don’t have a crystal ball, but I’m willing to bet one of my arms right now that as long as there’s electricity, Ramones music is going to be relevant. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
To me, the real ‘state of the union’ is found in how Americans react to current events (Henry Rollins Quotes)
I don’t know how much you follow current events. For some, there’s not enough time to keep up on what’s happening; for others, the news is too depressing, and peering too deeply fills one with boiling frustration all too quickly. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
I’ve never heard Daft Punk; I’ve never heard a track of theirs in my life. They’re the two guys with motorcycle helmets on? (Henry Rollins Quotes)
Disappointment always arrives before hope and the darkness of night comes before the dawn. Don’t lose hope now because things will brighter with the new day. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
Watching a documentary with people hacking their way through some polar wasteland is merely a visual. Actually trying to deal with cold that can literally kill you is quite a different thing. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
That’s the only interaction I have with people, those talking shows. Most of the people in my phone book are artists, management, producers, engineers. I don’t ever call people with, Hi! How are you? I say, How are you? Do you have that 16/30 ready? When do you want me to come into the studio? That’s what I do. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
I’m most in my element on tour, with a gig that day, like today. I’m on the road where I am supposed to be. I will be where I’m supposed to be at nighttime, on stage, in front of people, doing my thing. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
There’s always going to be a need for activism; there’s always going to be a need for you and me doing the right thing, being very Lincoln-sonian in looking out for each other. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
I don’t mind bees and think we are all the better for having them around. I like the taste of honey. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
I spend several days at a time without enough sleep. At first, normal activities become annoying. When you are too tired to eat, you really need some sleep. A few days later, things become strange. Loud noises become louder and more startling, familiar sounds become unfamiliar, and life reinvents itself as a surrealist dream. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
The only thing about sanctions is that, like a lot of drone strikes, there are countless unintended victims. Cutting off aid to Uganda only increases the pain there. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
If I were a doctor, I would prescribe that you addict yourself deeply and irrevocably to music and never, ever seek cure outside of more music. It really is the best drug available. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
No time for drug addiction, no time for smoke or booze. Too strong for a shortened life span, I’ve got no time to lose. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
Early spring is the time for vigorous change, a preparation for the heat-driven oppression that is to come. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
I remember when Martin Luther King was assassinated. I was up early watching television and watched the announcement. I didn’t understand what the word ‘assassinated’ meant. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
When I write lyrics, it’s only when I’m angry or hurt or sad. So lyrically it’s never really easy going. And the music is always really intense. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
Now and then, someone is able to look at an empty space, conclude it would be a great place to start a revolution, and bravely go forward. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
Airports in major cities, like LAX, are trippy environments. It is at once a national and international gathering of those in transition: The euphoric, emerging from planes, their journey at an end, and the determined, about to depart. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
If you think about it, every single species is endangered. Homo sapiens at the front of the line, mosquitoes and lawyers at the back. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
You might as well enjoy the day - you never know when and how painfully it could all end (Henry Rollins Quotes)
I think that humans have a huge capacity to carry pain and sadness. There are things that haunt us our entire lives; we are unable to let them go. The good times seem almost effervescent and dreamlike in comparison with the times that didn’t go so well. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
Anything in this culture that stands still long enough eventually becomes okay if a person can derive an income from it. Eventually, pay-per-view public execution will happen, and it will be half-time entertainment. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
When I’m off the road, and I can really control my diet down to the calorie, I juice seven days a week. Every afternoon, whatever I have at hand, beets, carrots, ginger, whatever. I juice, literally, every single day. And on the road, I try to find fresh juice wherever I can. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
I’m not into fame. I’m not into making money, outside of financing my books. I’m not into status. My thing is basically about time - not wasting it. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
I mean I appreciate fan mail and that the people like what I am doing but I can’t answer it. If I would answer 25 letters a day I would be just a guy answering mail and not an artist anymore. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
Before any American points a finger at President Putin and calls him nasty names, they should recognize that a lot of Americans agree with Putin on his stance against homosexual and transgender people. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
I’m not interested in censorship. I like the First Amendment very much. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
My mother, a very eclectic listener, had the first Doors album and gave it to me when I expressed interest in the band. It was one of the first records I ever had. As the years passed, the babysitters who used to look after me would bring their Doors albums to the apartment, and that’s how I got to hear their later work. (Henry Rollins Quotes)
In the late summer of 1986, the band I had been in for five years stopped playing. Suddenly, I was on my own. This new state of bandlessness was, at first, traumatic. When your group breaks up, a lot of broken parts hit the ground. (Henry Rollins Quotes)