Henry Ward Beecher Quotes

Text Quotes
A book is a garden; A book is an orchard; A book is a storehouse; A book is a party. It is company by the way; it is a counselor; it is a multitude of counselors (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
There is not a heart but has its moments of longing, yearning for something better; nobler; holier than it knows now (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
Education will not come of itself; it will never come unless you seek it; it will not come unless you take the first steps which lead to it; but, taking these steps, every man can acquire it (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
Expedients are for the hour, but principles are for the ages. Just because the rains descend, and the winds blow, we cannot afford to build on shifting sands (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
The man who perceives life only with his eye, his ear, his hand, and his tongue, is but little higher than the ox or an intelligent dog; but he who has imagination sees things around and above him, as the angels see them (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
It is trial that proves one thing weak and another strong. A house built on the sand is in fair weather just as good as if builded on a rock. A cobweb is as good as the mightiest cable when there is no strain upon it (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
God made the human body, and it is the most exquisite and wonderful organization which has come to us from the divine hand (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
If there’s a job to be done, I always ask the busiest man in my parish to take it on and it gets done (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
Of all formal things in the world, a clipped hedge is the most formal; and of all the informal things in the world, a forest tree is the most informal (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
In regard to the great mass of men, anything that breaks the realm of fear is not salutary, but dangerous; because it takes off one of the hoops that hold the barrel together in which the evil spirits are confined (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
A man ought to carry himself in the world as an orange tree would if it could walk up and down in the garden, swinging perfume from every little censer it holds up in the air (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
No one thing does human life more need than a kind consideration of the faults of others. Every one sins; everyone needs forbearance. Our own imperfections should teach us to be merciful (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
No cradle for an emperor’s child was ever prepared with so much magnificence as this world has been made for man. But it is only his cradle (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
A person can no more make money suddenly and largely, and be unharmed by it, than one could suddenly grow from a child’s stature to an adult’s without harm (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
The blossom cannot tell what becomes of its odor, and no person can tell what becomes of his or her influence and example (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
Pride slays thanksgiving, but a humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
Greatness lies, not in being strong, but in the right using of strength; and strength is not used rightly when it serves only to carry a man above his fellows for his own solitary glory. He is the greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts by the attraction of his own (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
Our days are a kaleidoscope. Every instant a change takes place in the contents. New harmonies, new contrasts, new combinations of every sort. Nothing ever happens twice alike. The most familiar people stand each moment in some new relation to each other, to their work, to surrounding objects. The most tranquil house, with the most serene inhabitants, living upon the utmost regularity of system, is yet exemplifying infinite diversities (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
Caution and conservatism are expected of old age; but when the young men of a nation are possessed of such a spirit, when they are afraid of the noise and strife caused by the applications of the truth, heaven save the land! Its funeral bell has already rung (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
It is the triumph of civilization that at last communities have obtained such a mastery over natural laws that they drive and control them. The winds, the water, electricity, all aliens that in their wild form were dangerous, are now controlled by human will, and are made useful servants (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
Education is the knowledge of how to use the whole of oneself. Many men use but one or two faculties out of the score with which they are endowed. A man is educated who knows how to make a tool of every faculty, how to open it, how to keep it sharp, and how to apply it to all practical purposes (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
A love of flowers would beget early rising, industry, habits of close observation, and of reading. It would incline the mind to notice natural phenomena, and to reason upon them. It would occupy the mind with pure thoughts, and inspire a sweet and gentle enthusiasm; maintain simplicity of taste; and... unfold in the heart an enlarged, unstraightened, ardent piety (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
Business men are to be pitied who do not recognize the fact that the largest side of their secular business is benevolence... No man ever manages a legitimate business in this life without doing indirectly far more for other men than he is trying to do for himself (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
The beginnings of moral enterprises in this world are never to be measured by any apparent growth... At length comes the sudden ripeness and the full success, and he who is called in at the final moment deems this success his own. He is but the reaper and not the labourer. Other men sowed and tilled and he but enters into their labours (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
When our cup runs over, we let others drink the drops that fall, but not a drop from within the rim, and call it charity; when the crumbs are swept from our table, we think it generous to let the dogs eat them; as if that were charity which permits others to have what we cannot keep (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
Boys have their soft and gentle moods too. You would suppose by the morning racket that nothing could be more foreign to their nature than romance and vague sadness... But boys have hours of great sinking and sadness, when kindness and fondness are peculiarly needful to them (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
As plants take hold, not for the sake of staying, but only that they may climb higher, so it is with men. By every part of our nature we clasp things above us, one after another, not for the sake of remaining where we take hold, but that we may go higher (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
We never know how much one loves till we know how much he is willing to endure and suffer for us; and it is the suffering element that measures love. The characters that are great must, of necessity, be characters that shall be willing, patient and strong to endure for others. To hold our nature in the willing service of another is the divine idea of manhood, of the human character (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
As the imagination is set to look into the invisible and immaterial, it seems to attract something of their vitality; and though it can give nothing to the body to redeem it from years, it can give to the soul that freshness of youth in old age which is even more beautiful than youth in the young (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)
Affliction comes to the believer not to make him sad, but sober; not to make him sorry, but wise. Even as the plow enriches the field so that the seed is multiplied a thousandfold, so affliction should magnify our joy and increase our spiritual harvest (Henry Ward Beecher Quotes)