Her berth was of the wombe of morning dew, and her conception of the joyous prime

Her berth was of the wombe of morning dew, and her conception of the joyous prime
The line "Her berth was of the wombe of morning dew, and her conception of the joyous prime" is a beautiful and poetic description found in Edmund Spenser's epic poem, "The Faerie Queene." This line is from Book III, Canto VI, where Spenser describes the birth of Belphoebe, one of the most important characters in the poem.Belphoebe is a symbol of purity, beauty, and grace in "The Faerie Queene." She is the twin sister of Amoret, and together they represent the virtues of chastity and love. Belphoebe's birth is described as being from the womb of morning dew, which suggests her ethereal and otherworldly nature. The morning dew is often associated with freshness, purity, and renewal, all of which are qualities that Belphoebe embodies.
The phrase "her conception of the joyous prime" further emphasizes Belphoebe's divine and joyful nature. The word "prime" can refer to the early hours of the day, when the sun is rising and the world is filled with promise and potential. This imagery suggests that Belphoebe was conceived during a time of great joy and happiness, which is reflected in her character throughout the poem.