Her hatred glittered irresistibly. I could see it, the jewel, it was sapphire, it was the cold lakes of Norway

Her hatred glittered irresistibly. I could see it, the jewel, it was sapphire, it was the cold lakes of Norway
In the world of literature, few authors are able to capture the complexities of human emotion quite like Janet Fitch. Known for her vivid descriptions and raw portrayals of characters, Fitch has a unique ability to bring her readers into the minds of her protagonists, allowing them to experience their joys, sorrows, and everything in between. One of the most striking examples of this can be found in her novel "White Oleander", where the character of Ingrid Magnussen embodies the quote, "Her hatred glittered irresistibly. I could see it, the jewel, it was sapphire, it was the cold lakes of Norway."Ingrid Magnussen is a complex and enigmatic character, whose emotions run deep and dark. Throughout the novel, she is portrayed as a cold and calculating woman, capable of great cruelty and manipulation. Her hatred towards those who have wronged her is palpable, and it is this hatred that drives much of the plot forward. Fitch's use of the metaphor of a sapphire to describe Ingrid's hatred is particularly powerful, as sapphires are known for their deep blue color and their association with loyalty, trust, and truth. In this context, the sapphire represents the depth and intensity of Ingrid's hatred, as well as its unwavering nature.
The comparison to the cold lakes of Norway further emphasizes the chilling effect of Ingrid's hatred. Norway is known for its icy landscapes and frigid waters, and the image of a cold, unforgiving lake perfectly captures the essence of Ingrid's emotions. Her hatred is not just a passing feeling, but a deep and enduring force that shapes her actions and relationships throughout the novel.
Overall, Fitch's use of vivid imagery and metaphor in describing Ingrid's hatred adds a layer of complexity to her character, making her both compelling and terrifying. Through her masterful storytelling, Fitch invites readers to delve into the depths of human emotion and explore the darker aspects of the human psyche.