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Heraldry Quotes

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The whole of heraldry and of chivalry is in courtesy. A man of fine manners shall pronounce your name with all the ornament that titles of nobility could ever add  (Heraldry Quotes) The boast of heraldry, the pomp of pow’r, and all that beauty, all that wealth e’er gave, await alike the inevitable hour: the paths of glory lead but to the grave  (Heraldry Quotes) It is better to be the builder of our own name than to be indebted by descent for the proudest gifts known to the books of heraldry  (Heraldry Quotes) Heraldry is the fusion of fact and fancy, myth and manner, romance and reality. It is an exuberant union of family, art, and history  (Heraldry Quotes) He stands for fame of his forefather’s feet, by heraldry, proved valiant or discreet!  (Heraldry Quotes)