Heritage Quotes

Text Quotes
I am very concerned about our national heritage, and I am very concerned that the films that I watched when I was young and the films that I watched throughout my life are preserved, so that my children can see them (Heritage Quotes)
The collective unconscious contains the whole spiritual heritage of mankind’s evolution born anew in the brain structure of every individual (Heritage Quotes)
Opera singing is in every way of inestimable value; a real heritage for all mankind that has been reached over centuries of studies, attempts, flights of the spirit (Heritage Quotes)
When members of a society wish to secure that society’s rich heritage they cherish their arts and respect their artists. The esteem with which we regard the multiple cultures offered in our country enhances our possibilities for healthy survival and continued social development (Heritage Quotes)
Returning from the wilderness a man becomes a restorer of order, a preserver. He sees the truth, recognizes his true heir, honors his forbears and his heritage, and gives his blessing to his successors. He embodies the passing of human time, living and dying within the human limits of grief and joy (Heritage Quotes)
We too need to protect, guide, and encourage our young people, helping them to build a society worthy of their great spiritual and cultural heritage. Specifically, we need to see each child as a gift to be welcomed, cherished, and protected. And we need to care for our young people, not allowing them to be robbed of hope and condemned to life on the streets (Heritage Quotes)
The curriculum of the school did not neglect India’s cultural, analytical and scientific heritage, but was very involved also with the rest of the world (Heritage Quotes)
Malcolm was a firm believer in the value and importance of our heritage. He believed that we have valuable and distinct cultural traditions which need to be institutionalized so that they can be passed on to our heirs (Heritage Quotes)
Our country stands at a critical point in its history. Our heritage as a nation of immigrants is at stake (Heritage Quotes)
A large share of our art heritage is now derived from peoples whose idea of art was quite other than ours, and even from peoples to whom the very idea of art meant nothing (Heritage Quotes)
The human soul is like a bird that is born in a cage. Nothing can deprive it of its natural longings, or obliterate the mysterious remembrance of its heritage (Heritage Quotes)
It is absolutely imperative that we protect, preserve and pass on this genetic heritage for man and every other living thing in as good a condition as we received it (Heritage Quotes)
Europe’s greatest heritage is the will of its people to be free, to be nobody’s servants. That’s what democracy means (Heritage Quotes)
Mongolia is a country of rich and ancient heritage, unique culture and astounding natural beauty. It is a land of free and brave, peace-loving and hard-working people (Heritage Quotes)
I have long hair because I’m American Indian. I’m an Oklahoma boy, and I’m very proud of my heritage (Heritage Quotes)
I am Dominican American. My father was born and raised in the U.S. and his heritage is German and Eastern European, and my mother hails from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (Heritage Quotes)
If you look at the heritage of the cable business, if you can own a niche, you have a good chance of succeeding (Heritage Quotes)
Beliefs seldom become doubts; they become ritual. They become intrinsic parts of the social heritage, themes of public celebration (Heritage Quotes)
And he could not tell why the struggle was worth while, why he had determined to use the utmost himself and his heritage from the personalities he has passed (Heritage Quotes)
You have a heritage honor it. You have posses a testimony share it. You will face temptations withstand it. You know the truth live it (Heritage Quotes)
... the worst possible heritage to leave with children: high spiritual pretensions and low performance (Heritage Quotes)
The priceless heritage of our society is the unrestricted constitutional right of each member to think as he will. Thought control is a copyright of totalitarianism, and we have no claim to it (Heritage Quotes)
Always be grateful for your blessings, especially your heritage. When we are blessed with goodly parents, we should be grateful. This is the debt each of us owes for our heritage (Heritage Quotes)
Conservatism has always meant more to me than simply sticking up for private property and free enterprise. It has also meant defending our heritage and preserving our values (Heritage Quotes)
Think about what there is to learn from your heritage, good and bad, and about what you want to cultivate and not cultivate (Heritage Quotes)
In 71 or 72 I returned to New Orleans and stayed there. I started cooking Louisiana food. Of all the things I had cooked, it was the best-and it was my heritage (Heritage Quotes)
Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage (Heritage Quotes)
We have a long heritage of freedom that defines America. We believe there is a Creator who blessed us with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (Heritage Quotes)
It may be that my most helpful contributions to music aren’t my compact discs but my articles about other great singers of the past for American Heritage magazine (Heritage Quotes)
An honest observer of the evolution of conditions in Egypt would discover that terrorism is an alien phenomenon, strange to our values and heritage (Heritage Quotes)