Hermann Hesse Quotes

Text Quotes
Happiness is love, nothing else. A man who is capable of love is happy. (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn’t part of ourselves doesn’t disturb us. (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
When we hate a person, what we hate in his image is something inside ourselves. Whatever isn’t inside us can’t excite us. (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
With a secret smile, not unlike that of a healthy child,he walked along, peacefully, quietly. He wore his gown and walked along exactly like the other monks, but his face and his step, his peaceful downward glance, his peaceful downward-hanging hand, and every finger of his hand spoke of peace, spoke of completeness, sought nothing, imitated nothing, reflected a continuous quiet, an unfading light, an invulnerable peace. (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
Let me say no more. Words do no justice to the hidden meaning. Everything immediately becomes slightly different when it is expressed in words, a little bit distorted, a little foolish...It is perfectly fine with me that what for one man is precious wisdom for another sounds like foolery. (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
To study history means submitting to chaos and nevertheless retaining faith in order and meaning (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
Happiness is a how; not a what. A talent, not an object (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
Beautiful was this world, looking at it thus, without searching, thus simply, thus childlike (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
The voices of all creatures are in the voices of the river (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
When two cultures collide is the only time when true suffering exists (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
Making music together is the best way for two people to become friends (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
All I really wanted was to try and live the life that was spontaneously welling up within me. Why was that so very difficult? (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
Writing is good, thinking is better. Cleverness is good, patience is better (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
Those who cannot think or take responsibility for themselves need, and clamor for, a leader (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
I wanted only to live in accord with the promptings which came from my true self. Why was that so very difficult? (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
Often it is the most deserving people who cannot help loving those who destroy them (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
... gentleness is stronger than severity, water is stronger than rock, love is stronger than force (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
Siddhartha stopped fighting his fate this very hour, and he stopped suffering (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
Youth ends when egotism does; maturity begins when one lives for others (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
The greatest threat to our world and its peace comes from those who want war, who prepare for it, and who, by holding out vague promises of future peace or by instilling fear of foreign aggression, try to make us accomplices to their plans (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
He had loved and he had found himself. Most people love to lose themselves (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
Loneliness is the way by which destiny endeavors to lead man to himself (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
The deity is within you, not in ideas and books. Truth is lived, not taught (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
A magic dwells in each beginning, protecting us, telling us how to live (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
To achieve the possible, we must attempt the impossible again and again (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
Every healthy person must have a goal in life and that life must have content (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, be fortified by it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it (Hermann Hesse Quotes)
One never reaches home, but wherever friendly paths intersect the whole world looks like home for a time (Hermann Hesse Quotes)