Heroes Quotes

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Let me tell you humans something. You are not fighters. You don’t have what it takes to actually change your current living situations. You can’t even organize a decent group to combat oppression. How can beings of such low stature hope to do anything? You are not heroes. Stop pretending you are helping by playing commando and get out of the way of someone who can (Heroes Quotes)
If you look at the heroes of antiquity and myth, they all have flaws. It’s something that they have to overcome; their flaws are something that they have to act in spite of. The challenge is not to defy your fate, but to endure it. That is heroic (Heroes Quotes)
We willingly enter fictional worlds where we cheer our heroes and cry for friends we never had (Heroes Quotes)
There are men who bloom in chaos. You call them heroes or villains, depending on which side wins the war, but until the battle call they are but normal men who long for action, who lust for the opportunity to throw off the routine of their normal lives like a cocoon and come into their own. They sense a destiny larger than themselves, but only when structures collapse around them do these men become warriors (Heroes Quotes)
While we can never truly repay the debt we owe our heroes, the least we should do for our brave veterans is to ensure that the government takes a proactive approach to delivering the services and benefits they have earned, so they can access the care they need and so richly deserve (Heroes Quotes)
As each brigade emerged from the woods, from 50 to 100 guns opened upon it, tearing great gaps in its ranks; but the heroes pressed on and were shot down by reserves at the guns. It was not war, it was murder (Heroes Quotes)
Evil is a matter of choice. Those people who have been victimized and refuse to imitate their oppressors are in my mind the greatest heroes we have (Heroes Quotes)
The sport to which I owe so much has undergone profound changes, but it’s still baseball. Kids still imitate their heroes on playgrounds. Fans still ruin expensive suits going after foul balls that cost five dollars. Hitting streaks still make the network news and hot dogs still taste better at the ballpark than at home (Heroes Quotes)
Who are your heroes? Why do you look up to them? Why do we respect those who live and think for themselves as opposed to doing what is expected? We all admire the idea of living a life unbound by thoughts of fear. People who seem to live that dream inspire us to want to do the same. They mirror the qualities that we possess but are too scared to access (Heroes Quotes)
I’m not a historian, and I wouldn’t want to be. I want to change the world. Attack the elite. Overturn the hierarchy. Look at my stories and you’ll notice that the villains are always, always, those in power. The heroes are the little people. I hate the establishment. Always have, always will (Heroes Quotes)
There are always these moments in life when the limits of suffering are reached and we become heroes and heroines (Heroes Quotes)
I have been so very, very fortunate in my life. I’ve met or been in contact with several of my childhood heroes. I’ve interacted with people all over this planet, and even though I couldn’t possibly hope to remember all their names, I remember a photograph, a poem, a sound, a joke, kind words of encouragement. All is not lost (Heroes Quotes)
In the 21st century, I think the heroes will be the people who will improve the quality of life, fight poverty and introduce more sustainability (Heroes Quotes)
We all need to have heroes, people to admire and look up to. To find a hero, first look to your parents or older brother or sister. Then look to the people who share the same morals and values that you have, and have accomplished the goals that you strive to achieve (Heroes Quotes)
In the current era, more than prodigies in mathematics, science, athletics, or art, I believe we need prodigies of good character and integrity. People who have polished their character and integrity until they shine are the ones who can be the real heroes the world needs to solve its problems. I think that, when people have the correct understanding of the meaning of human character, there will be a solution (Heroes Quotes)
You cannot have power for good without having power for evil too. Even mother’s milk nourishes murderers as well as heroes (Heroes Quotes)
As athletes, we think we’re heroes, but when you witness firsthand what I saw yesterday, you realize who the real heroes are (Heroes Quotes)
My heroines are part of me and my heroes are part of what I’d like to know (Heroes Quotes)
As human beings we suffer from an innate tendency to jump to conclusions; to judge people too quickly and to pronounce them failures or heroes without due consideration of the actual facts and ideals of the period (Heroes Quotes)
If you do something extraordinary for your customer you will never be forgotten. Customer service heroes get remembered, but legends never die (Heroes Quotes)
If we take a small step in extolling peacemakers as much as honoring war heroes, we will be making a giant leap towards peace (Heroes Quotes)
Real heroes are others, those who have suffered in their soul, in their heart, in their spirit, in their mind, for their loved ones. Those are the real heroes. Im just a cyclist (Heroes Quotes)
Historically, in my generation, all of my heroes and heroines have had issues and problems. We all do (Heroes Quotes)
This is always the problem with building heroes. To keep them pure, we must build them stupid. The world is built on compromise and uncertainty, and such a place is too complex for heroes to flourish (Heroes Quotes)
I’m very bad at having heroes. I don’t rate anyone particularly highly because I’m so snide and competitive and not very nice (Heroes Quotes)
I am so tired of ruggedly handsome heroes. I don’t know too many ruggedly handsome people who are necessarily nice people. In fact, the beautiful people have a big handicap because they rely too much on their appearance and don’t bother to become interesting (Heroes Quotes)
Great occasions do not make heroes or cowards; they simply unveil them to the eyes of men (Heroes Quotes)
Twitter brings you closer. I mean, we see this over and over again from our users. It brings them closer to the action. It brings them closer to their heroes (Heroes Quotes)
What really grabs me is when a reader writes to express her personal story and how a book helped her situation, or her acceptance of a situation she can’t change. I read some sad cases in my snail and electronic mail. I respond to all I can, affirming that they are the true heroes of life because they are fighting through adversity and surviving (Heroes Quotes)
Everyone I’m photographing, I feel like I’m remaking a family, in a way. My brothers and sisters are my heroes. So many of my models resemble them (Heroes Quotes)