Heroes Quotes

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Where you live matters. Whatever you’re doing, there’s usually only one place where the top people go. You should go there. Don’t settle for anywhere else. Meeting my heroes and learning from them gave me a huge advantage. Your heroes are part of your circle, too - follow them. If the real action is happening somewhere else, move (Heroes Quotes)
All of our heroes did silly stuff early and got more serious as time went on. Steve Martin, Adam Sandler, Bill Murray. They got older, wiser, and made different choices. (Heroes Quotes)
When someone can, on a worldwide level, make someone laugh, that’s power. A lot my heroes - Eddie Murphy, Will Ferrell, the Wayans, Adam Sandler - they get it. And I’ve always felt that Andy Samberg is the future of comedy. (Heroes Quotes)
Monsters don’t die. They just dissipate into smoke and dust, which saves heroes a lot of trouble cleaning up after a fight. (Heroes Quotes)
Even after all this time, I keep forgetting that heroes can be found in unlikely places and persons -- like mechanics who can turn into coyotes. (Heroes Quotes)
James Bond is one of those heroes that all guys feel they could actually be like (Heroes Quotes)
We’re all flawed heroes. Responsibility is power. Take responsibility for the consequences of your actions, and the world is yours. Everything is a choice. (Heroes Quotes)
Even in 2014, when romance heroes are as varied as their genre, somewhere in them you can still always find the alpha male. (Heroes Quotes)
I’ve always loved movies and animation. When I was little, I was always pretending to be some alter ego superhero. For years it was Ultraman, ninjas, Spiderman and other cool super heroes. (Heroes Quotes)
Future will always remember the heroes, its because of them there exist a future (Heroes Quotes)
Mom and Dad are truly my heroes. And I have to say, so is my little brother Robert. He’s 11, and he’s just the most amazing boy. He’s so much like Dad sometimes, it’s a bit scary. (Heroes Quotes)
I just write the characters the way I see them. And maybe that’s because I’m surrounded by the most amazing men,from my father to my husband to all of my brothers. They are true heroes! (Heroes Quotes)
DJs used to be American heroes. No more. Today, being a disk jockey is generally regarded as being slightly more respectable than snatching purses for a living, or robbing graves. (Heroes Quotes)
If the untimely battlefield deaths of generations of American heroes have taught us nothing else, it should be this unalterable fact: what you do with your time here on earth is far more important than the time you had to do it. Those who live most are those who love most, who act the noblest and do their best. (Heroes Quotes)
If American literature has a few heroes, Miller is one of them. He refused to name names at the McCarthy hearings, and his play ‘The Crucible’ analysed the hearings in the context of a previous American mass psychosis, the Salem witch trials. (Heroes Quotes)
Not disown my past or upbringing, but I’d admired American actors, really American movie star - particularly the rebel heroes of the 50s. (Heroes Quotes)
Would the Protestant Reformation have happened without the printing press? Would the American Revolution have happened without pamphlets? Probably not. But neither printing presses nor pamphlets were the heroes of reform and revolution. (Heroes Quotes)
They fled. The American louts fled. Indeed, concerning the fighting waged by the heroes of the Arab Socialist Baath Party yesterday, one amazing thing really is the cowardice of the American soldiers. we had not anticipated this. (Heroes Quotes)
Everyone likes a bit of variety. I’m sure none of my readers only want to read about anti-heroes or villainous protagonists any more than they only want to read about square-jawed heroes doing the right thing. I just write characters than entertain me and hope they’ll be ones that other people want to read about, too. (Heroes Quotes)
My heroes are the non-commissioned officers. If I had another life thats what Id be - a regimental sergeant major or a similar rank. Thats where the spirit of the armed forces is. (Heroes Quotes)
The only way to form an army to be confided in, was a systematic discipline, by which means all men may be made heroes. (Heroes Quotes)
Over all our happy country - over all our Nation spread, Is a band of noble heroes - is our Army of the Dead. (Heroes Quotes)
I came out of high school, where my heroes were, like, Michael Jordan and a lot of local rugby players - and on the movie front, it was Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone. (Heroes Quotes)
I’m kind of hooked to the game of art and literature; my heroes are artists and writers (Heroes Quotes)
My heroes, I couldn’t imagine them practicing. Like Bob Dylan, you know? Bob Dylan’s a very, very good guitar player, but it’s like he’s trying to hide it. I always loved this attitude. When you’re very good... it’s like being an athlete - and I always hated sports! (Heroes Quotes)
Look for the contradictions in every character, especially in your heroes and villains. No one should be what they first seem to be. Surprise the audience. (Heroes Quotes)
I feel for all the parents whose babies just keep waking up for years. My heart and back go out to you guys! You are my heroes, and I am not fit to walk in your shoes! (Heroes Quotes)
He and his brothers were heroes at heart - even if they were all bad boy on the outside (Heroes Quotes)
I don’t like nihilistic characters. As bad guys they’re great, but as heroes they don’t work. (Heroes Quotes)
If you look in real life, it is very hard to describe people as good people, bad people, heroes or villains. People aren’t bad people. They all have their justifications. (Heroes Quotes)