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I’ve never made any effort to hide what happened. I served my time, I’ve tried to learn and move on. (Hide Quotes)
The white people who are guilty of white supremacy are trying to hide their own guilt by accusing The Honorable Elijah Muhammad of teaching black supremacy when he tries to uplift the mentality, the social, mental and economic condition of the black people in America. (Hide Quotes)
A man is more frank and sincere with his emotions than a woman. We girls, I’m afraid, have a tendency to hide our feelings. (Hide Quotes)
I was conveniently bisexual for a long time, and then I went, ‘Come on, who am I kidding?’ And I have to say, it was the single biggest step I took toward emotional well-being, to stop feeling like I had to hide who I am. (Hide Quotes)
In my early work, I tried to hide my personality, my psychological state, my emotions. This was partly due to my feelings about myself and party due to my feelings about painting at the time. I sort of stuck to my guns for a while but eventually it seemed like a losing battle. Finally one must simply drop the reserve. (Hide Quotes)
I think maybe even one of the reasons I became an actor was actually to hide. I mean, it sounds paradoxical because, of course, people are standing up in a public place and encouraging other people to look at them. So that’s not the conventional definition of hiding. (Hide Quotes)
The young think that failure is the Siberian end of the line, banishment from all the living, and tend to do what I then did - which was to hide. (Hide Quotes)
Enter politics, and you enter the glass house; there are no secrets and no places to hide (Hide Quotes)
My parents didn’t hide reality. I watched cartoons and the news with equal fascination. (Hide Quotes)
Waiting tables has never paid my bills, a fact which I prefer to hide from my colleagues with deep sighs about the price of just about everything. (Hide Quotes)
You act like you’re okay,Like everything is just fine.But you can’t hide a frown,And smile at the same time. (Hide Quotes)
Time flies, dreams die, people lose faith, Tryna hide behind a lie with a straight face (Hide Quotes)
Winning isn’t everything to me, but it’s a close second. Losing isn’t something that I can just brush off and fake a smile to hide my frustration. It’s that will and determination that I hope will get me where I want to go. (Hide Quotes)
Cowards hide [...] but warriors lie and wait [...] the only difference is whether you’re motivated by fear or purpose. (Hide Quotes)
I’ve lost a lot of teeth and square yards of hide. But I’ve never lost my self-respect, and I’ve kept what I find in few men of my age - my enthusiasm. (Hide Quotes)
We recognize the reality of the marketplace. We’re fighting to win, and that’s what we’re going to do. This is not the time to hide. (Hide Quotes)
The film [Dream of Life] doesn’t hide anything, except maybe moments of sorrow or darkness that belonged to me. (Hide Quotes)
Credit is the air that financial markets breathe, and when the air is poisoned, there’s no place to hide. (Hide Quotes)
I can hide, and my husband’s just terrible at finding me. I do like to jump out from behind doors and scare him. (Hide Quotes)
Money lets you enjoy the finer things of life, but it doesn’t change who you are. It magnifies and brings into fruition the things that you want to hide most. It is a mask for insecurities as well. (Hide Quotes)
Everyone has their first date and the object is to hide your flaws. And then you’re in a relationship, and it’s all about hiding your disappointment. And then, once you’re married, it’s about hiding your sins. (Hide Quotes)
First impressions matter more in basketball than in any other sport, and they can be savored only in person. Players can’t hide behind pads or helmets, so we can stare at them, evaluate every move they make: running, jumping, walking, even ogling the cheerleaders. We can see every ripple and tattoo. If they’re lazy, we can tell. (Hide Quotes)
Don’t cry out loud, keep it inside, learn how to hide your feelings. Fly high and proud, and if you should fall, remember you almost had it all. (Hide Quotes)
We can hide a lot of stuff until God shows up, for when God shows up nothing is hidden, which includes both our embarrassment and His forgiveness. (Hide Quotes)
Modern capitalism seeks to assure us that it operates according to the principles of free creativity, endless development and diversity. It glosses over its other side in order to hide the reality that millions of people are enslaved by an all-powerful and fantastically stable norm of production. We want to reveal this lie. (Hide Quotes)
We talk about a free press. These people hide, they make a lot of money off the media. They hide behind the slogans of free press, and then they can come out with crap like that. It’s just garbage. It’s insulting to the readers. (Hide Quotes)
The mirror can lie. Doesn’t show you what’s inside. And it, it can tell you you’re full of life. It’s amazing what you can hide just by putting on a smile. (Hide Quotes)
I like how you don’t hide your problems like everyone else, and I don’t have to hide mine when I’m around you. (Hide Quotes)
I hate roses. Don’t you? It’s all right if you can hide them in a cutting garden, but I think a rose garden is the height of ick. (Hide Quotes)
If you’re trying to hide something, you wouldn’t keep getting away with it for 10 years. Nobody is that clever. (Hide Quotes)