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Higher Quotes

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... peace is a militant thing... any peace movement must have behind it a higher passion than the desire for war. No one can be a pacifist without being ready to fight for peace and die for peace  (Higher Quotes) As far as my experience goes one is automatically in touch with the higher spiritual, it is connected to a certain level that interpenetrates our total physical and psychic existence. We are always in touch with it  (Higher Quotes) If a writer understands his work as something that originates with him but then, with any luck, gets away from him, then what he needs is someone who can grasp the potential of the piece and lead him to that higher ground  (Higher Quotes) That is the basic pattern of this kind of meditation, which is based on three fundamental factors: first, not centralizing inward; second, not having any longing to become higher; and third, becoming completely identified with here and now  (Higher Quotes) A hand up is worthier than one’s own fist grasping a higher rung of the ladder  (Higher Quotes) Feelings take you into uncharted territory from time to time it’s true, but you almost always benefit from the journey one way or the other. We tend to think of the rational as a higher order, but it is the emotional that marks our lives  (Higher Quotes) All the higher forms of life have evolved from some one’s ideal of justice, liberty or beauty; and the belief that nothing is too good to be true  (Higher Quotes) The fascinating thing about ideals is that no sooner have we gained a desired peak than we find farther and higher peaks beyond. The thrilling adventure never ends  (Higher Quotes) We’re all capable of climbing so much higher than we usually permit ourselves to suppose  (Higher Quotes) Fortunately age does not affect literature. After a man is dead, he may continue in the business and often rank higher than his living competitors  (Higher Quotes) Nobody ever stops drinking until the cost of drinking becomes higher than the cost of not drinking  (Higher Quotes) We have higher quality conversations in restaurants than at home. It’s as though we rise to the occasion by selecting worthwhile, less mundane subjects to discuss when eating out, just as we dress more carefully  (Higher Quotes) It is a fundamental fact that no cook, however creative and capable, can produce a dish of a quality any higher than that of its raw ingredients  (Higher Quotes) Truth gives no advantage. It gives no higher status, no power over others; all you get is truth and freedom from the false  (Higher Quotes) When newspapers are the principal vehicles of the wit and wisdom of a people, the higher graces of composition can hardly be looked for  (Higher Quotes) The risk of a business being hit by a low probability, high impact event is far higher than most boards realize because the number of potential wild cards is so great  (Higher Quotes) If civilization ever achieves a higher standard of what constitutes normality, it will have been the neurotic who led the way  (Higher Quotes) If it feels like you’re choosing between the lesser of two evils, don’t. There is always a higher choice  (Higher Quotes) I feel the presence of a higher power. I believe that what you give is what you get. It’s universal law. I believe in the power of prayer and of words. I’ve learned that when you predict that negative things will happen, they do  (Higher Quotes) Working out makes me feel good. When I don’t work out for a few days, I start feeling grumpy. When I’m at the gym, it wakes me up. My spirits are higher. I just feel happier and more motivated to do things  (Higher Quotes) Physics is often stranger than science fiction, and I think science fiction takes its cues from physics: higher dimensions, wormholes, the warping of space and time, stuff like that  (Higher Quotes) I think a lot of young people don’t realize the price of fame is a lot higher than they imagine  (Higher Quotes) I tell my kids and I tell proteges, always have humility when you create and grace when you succeed, because its not about you. You are a terminal for a higher power. As soon as you accept that, you can do it forever  (Higher Quotes) For me, success is, during this early pilgrimage, to leave the woodpile a little higher than I found it  (Higher Quotes) Buddhism is yoga. Yoga started, who knows when? A long time ago, when the first person found that they could still their thoughts and experience eternity and access the higher planes of mind  (Higher Quotes) Whatever education a university or institutes of higher education imparts, it must achieve the global level of benchmarking given the vastness and diversity of global village we live in today  (Higher Quotes) I am going to be contradictory to myself many times for the simple reason that I am trying to bring all the religions to a higher synthesis. Different approaches have to be joined together. I am creating an orchestra  (Higher Quotes) The rising costs of higher education coupled with the stress of paying student loans are putting increasing pressure on students  (Higher Quotes) A good scientist values criticism almost higher than friendship: no, in science criticism is the height and measure of friendship  (Higher Quotes) Most people have an aversion to risk, my college economics professor told me. Which means they have to be rewarded to take on that risk. The higher the risk, the higher the possible payout has to be for people to jump  (Higher Quotes)
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