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Higher Quotes

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You really should be able to feel the higher power of music and be moved by it, rather than listening to me waffle on and having to explain it  (Higher Quotes) Human beings will never evolve to higher creatures if we are constantly restricted by rules and regulations  (Higher Quotes) It is also very important to observe, that menial servants are absolutely necessary to make the resources of the higher and middle classes of society efficient in the demand for material products  (Higher Quotes) It is those people who know that they are right because some outside or higher power conveys the conviction to them who do the great damage in the world  (Higher Quotes) For myself, success is, during this early pilgrimage, to leave the woodpile a little higher than I found it  (Higher Quotes) The higher powers of the reflective intellect are more decidedly and more usefully tasked by the unostentatious game of draughts than by all the elaborate frivolity of chess  (Higher Quotes) As insanity in a higher sense, is the beginning of all wisdom, so is schizophrenia the beginning of all art, all fantasy  (Higher Quotes) I think I can say, and say with pride, that we have some legislatures that bring higher prices than any in the world  (Higher Quotes) Never believe extraordinary characters which you hear of people. Depend upon it, they are exaggerated. You do not see one man shoot a great deal higher than another  (Higher Quotes) He was a democrat in the best sense, earnestly desiring the elevation of the people to a higher plane of intellectual and moral life, as well as their political emancipation  (Higher Quotes) There is in man a higher than love of happiness; he can do without happiness, and instead thereof find blessedness  (Higher Quotes) The lofty pine is most easily brought low by the force of the wind, and the higher the tower the greater the fall thereof  (Higher Quotes) It frequently happens that where the second line is sublime, the third, in which he meant to rise still higher, is perfectly bombast  (Higher Quotes) Gross and vulgar minds will always pay a higher respect to wealth than to talent; for wealth, although it be a far less efficient source of power than talent, happens to be far more intelligible  (Higher Quotes) A beautiful face fires our imagination, and we see higher virtue and intelligence in it than we can detect in its owner’s head or heart when we descend to calm inspection  (Higher Quotes) Men are so necessarily fools that it would be being a fool in a higher strain of folly, not to be a fool  (Higher Quotes) Men are so completely fools by necessity that he is but a fool in a higher strain of folly who does not confess his foolishness  (Higher Quotes) Cowardice encroaches fast upon such as spend their lives in company of persons higher than themselves  (Higher Quotes) I have climbed several higher mountains without guide or path, and have found, as might be expected, that it takes only more time and patience commonly than to travel the smoothest highway  (Higher Quotes) A fine coat is but a livery when the person who wears it discovers no higher sense than that of a footman  (Higher Quotes) Fortitude implies a firmness and strength of mind, that enables us to do and suffer as we ought. It rises upon an opposition, and, like a river, swells the higher for having its course stopped  (Higher Quotes) Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometric progression as they rise  (Higher Quotes) Setting is preliminary to brighter rising; decay is a process of advancement; death is the condition of higher and more fruitful life  (Higher Quotes) Here was my city, immense, overpowering, flooded with energy and light... The world, at that moment, opened before me, challenging me, beckoning me, demanding something of me that it would take more than a lifetime to give, but raising all my energies by its own vivid promise to a higher pitch  (Higher Quotes) The rights a man arrogates to himself are related to the duties he imposes on himself, to the tasks to which he feels equal. The great majority of men have no right to existence, but are a misfortune to higher men  (Higher Quotes) Adolescence is a new birth, for the higher and more completely human traits are now born  (Higher Quotes) But the cause for which we fought was higher; our thought wider... That thought was our power  (Higher Quotes) The higher the social class of other students the higher any given student’s achievement  (Higher Quotes) Higher income taxes are a razor guillotine poised to descend on the bare neck of prosperity  (Higher Quotes) The higher the love, the more demands will be made on us to conform to that ideal  (Higher Quotes)
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