Higher Taxes Quotes

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Experience tells us that we do not need more overspending or higher taxes to grow jobs. We do not need more regulations or more government control - such as the government takeover of health care or the restrictions in domestic energy production. (Higher Taxes Quotes)
Taxes shouldn’t be higher; they should be fairer. We must be a party that’s disciplined. We must make tough choices. (Higher Taxes Quotes)
My opponent Senator Menendez and his colleagues are pursuing what I consider a Jon Corzine economic policy. Higher taxes, more spending, more debt (Higher Taxes Quotes)
Obama sees everything backward. Where Americans see individual achievement, he sees government’s work. Where we see failing companies, he sees innovation worth subsidizing. Where we see the need for economic growth, he sees a need for higher taxes (Higher Taxes Quotes)
The key to revenue growth is tax reform that closes loopholes and that is pro-growth. Then with a growing economy, that’s where your revenue growth comes in, not from higher taxes (Higher Taxes Quotes)
The problem with Mr. Obama is that you get more regulation and it’s a disincentive for businessmen to hire people. You probably also get higher taxes, so in terms of the economy, he is very negative in my view (Higher Taxes Quotes)
Nobody wants to pay higher taxes. But do you want your kids to get a good education? You have to pay for that. Do you want Medicare for senior citizens? I do. We have to pay for it (Higher Taxes Quotes)
Some of you in this room support higher taxes. I welcome your enthusiasm and am glad to report that the IRS takes both money orders and checks (Higher Taxes Quotes)
The answer to many of the domestic problems we face is not higher taxes and more spending. It is less waste, more results and greater freedom for the individual American to earn a rightful place in his own community - and for States and localities to address their own needs in their own ways, in the light of their own priorities (Higher Taxes Quotes)
Students often approached me about state-paid tuition while I was out campaigning. After I explained to them that if the state pays their tuition now, they will pay higher taxes to pay other people’s tuition for the rest of their lives, most of them ended up agreeing with me (Higher Taxes Quotes)
Unfortunately the Republican tax cut will deny important revenues to many states facing their own deficits. This will create greater pressure for higher state and local taxes (Higher Taxes Quotes)
The difficulty for Mr. Obama will be when the public sees where his decisions lead - higher inflation, higher interest rates, higher taxes, sluggish growth, and a jobless recovery (Higher Taxes Quotes)
The New York Times editorial page is like a Ouija board that has only three answers, no matter what the question. The answers are: higher taxes, more restrictions on political speech and stricter gun control (Higher Taxes Quotes)
I talked to a lot of employers who just are, are fearful of what’s coming next out of Washington. It’s all the spending, it’s all the debt. It’s their national energy tax, they want to call it cap and trade - more mandates, higher costs, more taxes. Their healthcare bill - more mandates, higher costs, higher taxes (Higher Taxes Quotes)
Whoever is for higher taxes, feel free to pay higher taxes (Higher Taxes Quotes)
Why is it fair that I should be paying a higher percentage of taxes than anyone else? (Higher Taxes Quotes)
Physical ills are the taxes laid upon this wretched life; some are taxed higher, and some lower, but all pay something (Higher Taxes Quotes)
Unfortunately, President Obama's failed policies of new regulations, higher taxes, and Obamacare and his anti - business rhetoric have hit Hispanics especially hard. Big government really hurts those who are trying to make it (Higher Taxes Quotes)
While the wealthiest families completely benefit from the tax cuts targeted towards the upper brackets, middle - income families were hit with the unwelcome surprise of higher taxes on tax day (Higher Taxes Quotes)
When a business or an individual spends more than it makes, it goes bankrupt. When government does it, it sends you the bill. And when government does it for 40 years, the bill comes in two ways: higher taxes and inflation. Make no mistake about it, inflation is a tax and not by accident (Higher Taxes Quotes)
Higher taxes never reduce the deficit. Governments spend whatever they take in and then whatever they can get away with (Higher Taxes Quotes)
Higher taxes still does not create prosperity for all. And, more government still does not grow jobs (Higher Taxes Quotes)
The politics of austerity, of higher taxes, decided by governments, have lengthened the economic crisis (Higher Taxes Quotes)
Is he prepared to support, at his own expense, projects and undertakings designed to help the needy? Is he prepared to pay higher taxes so that public authorities may expand their efforts in the work of development? Is he prepared to pay more for imported goods, so that the foreign producer may make a fairer profit? Is he prepared to emigrate from his homeland if necessary and if he is young, in order to help the emerging nations? (Higher Taxes Quotes)
I expect to see trade wars, foreign policy disasters, a few race riots, a decrease in personal liberty, higher taxes, higher inflation and probably, economic collapse. The silver lining is, secession will probably become more feasible (Higher Taxes Quotes)
Increased government spending can provide a temporary stimulus to demand and output but in the longer run higher levels of government spending crowd out private investment or require higher taxes that weaken growth by reducing incentives to save, invest, innovate, and work (Higher Taxes Quotes)
I’ve built companies, I’ve created jobs, I know the frustration of small businesses with higher taxes (Higher Taxes Quotes)
Higher taxes is the road to ruin. We must and we will shrink our government, and that means making some tough choices, tightening our belts (Higher Taxes Quotes)
Democrats want to use the slowdown as an excuse to do what their special interests are always begging for: higher taxes, bigger government and less trade with other nations (Higher Taxes Quotes)