Highest Quotes

Text Quotes
The highest use of capital is not to make more money, but to make money do more for the betterment of life (Highest Quotes)
Reverence the highest, have patience with the lowest. Let this day's performance of the meanest duty be thy religion. Are the stars too distant, pick up the pebble that lies at thy feet and from it learn the all (Highest Quotes)
Where do you think I'd be next week if I didn't know how to shout and holler and make the public take notice? I'd be poor and I'd probably be down in my home town, washing windows or running an elevator and saying "yes suh" and "no suh" and knowing my place. Instead, I'm one of the highest paid athletes in the world. Think about that (Highest Quotes)
Commonplace though it may appear, this doing of one's duty embodies - the highest ideal of life and character. There may be nothing heroic about it; but the common lot of men as not heroic (Highest Quotes)
The Romans rightly employed the same word (virtus) to designate courage, which is, in a physical sense, what the other is in a moral; the highest virtue of all being victory over ourselves (Highest Quotes)
The duty of helping one's self in the highest sense involves the helping of one's neighbors (Highest Quotes)
Pride is the recognition of the fact that you are your own highest value and, like all of man's values, it has to be earned (Highest Quotes)
From the smallest necessity to the highest religious abstraction, from the wheel to the skyscraper, everything we are and everything we have comes from one attribute of man - the function of his reasoning mind (Highest Quotes)
He who cannot resist temptation is not a man. He is wanting in the highest attributes of humanity (Highest Quotes)
When God loves a creature he wants the creature to know the highest happiness and the deepest misery He wants him to know all that being alive can bring. That is his best gift. There is no happiness save in understanding the whole (Highest Quotes)
Our souls, piercing through the impurity of flesh, behold the highest heaven, and thence bring knowledge to contemplate the ever during, glory and termless joy (Highest Quotes)
The Republican form of government is the highest form of government; but because of this it requires the highest type of human nature, a type nowhere at present existing (Highest Quotes)
Music must take rank as the highest of the fine arts as the one which, more than any other, ministers to the human spirit (Highest Quotes)
I hold this to be the highest task for a bond between two people: that each protects the solitude of the other (Highest Quotes)
Classic economic theory, based as it is on an inadequate theory of human motivation, could be revolutionized by accepting the reality of higher human needs, including the impulse to self actualization and the love for the highest values (Highest Quotes)
The highest art is always the most religious, and the greatest artist is always a devout person (Highest Quotes)
The gift of truth is the highest gift. The taste of truth is the sweetest taste. The joy of truth is the greatest joy. The extinction of craving is the end of suffering (Highest Quotes)
Faith, hope, love, and insight are the highest achievements of human effort. They are found given by experience (Highest Quotes)
Health is the highest prize. Contentment is the greatest wealth. A loyal friend is the best relative. Nirvana is supreme bliss (Highest Quotes)
Of praise a mere glutton, he swallow'd what came, and the puff a dunce, he mistook it for fame; till his relish grown callous, almost to displease, who pepper'd the highest was surest to please (Highest Quotes)
There is clearly a sacred dimension to our existence, and coming to terms with it could well be the highest purpose of human life (Highest Quotes)
Mother, who has an absolute belief that it is not the cards that one is dealt in life, it is how one plays them, is, by far, the highest card I was dealt (Highest Quotes)
The highest thought is always that thought which contains joy. The clearest words are those words which contain truth. The grandest feeling is that feeling which you call love (Highest Quotes)
Mine is always your highest thought, your clearest word, your grandest feeling. Anything less is from another source (Highest Quotes)
Express your life as a demonstration of your highest beliefs, rather than as a denial of them (Highest Quotes)
Success in its highest and noblest form calls for peace of mind and enjoyment and happiness which come only to the man who has found the work that he likes best (Highest Quotes)
Success in highest and noblest form calls for peace of mind and enjoyment and happiness which comes only to the man who has found the work he likes best (Highest Quotes)
When you are able to maintain your own highest standards of integrity - regardless of what others may do - you are destined for greatness (Highest Quotes)
Faith is the courage to live your life as if everything that happens does so for your highest good and learning. Like it or not (Highest Quotes)
The oak sleeps in the acorn. The bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of reality (Highest Quotes)