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Hijab Quotes

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The best hijab is in the eyes of the beholder  (Hijab Quotes) Many sisters complain that people don’t want to marry them unless they stop wearing hijab. No man is worth your hijab, and a real man wouldn’t request you to take it off in the first place  (Hijab Quotes) There are irrational fears. If you see a woman wearing a hijab and fear is your first thought, something’s really wrong  (Hijab Quotes) The hijab has nothing to do with moral values... They put on a hijab and go dancing, wearing high heels and lipstick  (Hijab Quotes) We heard from a professor at an evangelical college who wore a hijab in solidarity with Muslim women. Now we have a different perspective. Asra Nomani co-wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post titled in part As Muslim Women, We Actually Ask You Not To Wear The Hijab.  (Hijab Quotes)